Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

Click here to listen to the speaker and see the slides for the whole 60 minute session.



October 25, 2013: Webinar

Factors influencing funding decisions by elected politicians at the state/provincial level: a case study of public libraries in Canada: Part 2
Instructor: Cheryl Stenström, PhD

Continue to examine applications of influence in a variety of settings, e.g., local, provincial, and national.  How do you identify stakeholders in your local setting?  What are the key strategies you need to know and what is a good framework for action over the longer term?  Cheryl Stenström shares her insights and completes this two-part foundation for exploring influencing and advocacy strategies for Ontario public libraries.