I hope you know about this opportunity and have shared it with libraries across Ontario. The list of eligible applicants explicitly includes “community libraries”. Deadline is noon, April 5th.


Applications from registered charities, school programs or community organizations are invited for funding of projects consistent with the Foundation’s objective to provide support for initiatives that benefit children. Applications from registered charities, school programs or community organizations are invited annually for funding of projects consistent with the Foundation’s objective to provide support for initiatives that benefit children.

More than $1.15 million was raised for the Community Foundation for Children in 2018. These funds will be granted in 2019. Over the past seven years, the Foundation has allocated in excess of $7 million to over 660 projects.

Funding from the Foundation will not exceed $25,000 per grant. The Canada Post Community Foundation will offer up to three Signature Grants of $50,000 each. These grants would support the overall work and mission of national organizations delivering programs or support for children and youth. These Signature Grants would be the largest grants awarded by the Canada Post Community Foundation.

Canada Post provides administrative support for the Foundation and facilitates fundraising activities. The Foundation’s Trust Deed stipulates no more than 8% of funds raised for the Foundation may be used to cover overhead costs, though typically less than 4% of funds raised are used by the Foundation to support its work.

An annual granting process (call for applications, March • deadline for applications, April • Grant Advisory Committee decisions/Trustee approval, June/July • decisions communicated to applicants, August) will be used to distribute funds for projects that best meet the Foundation’s vision.

Area of Concentration:

Outside of its Signature Grants, the Foundation will fund projects that support three primary focus areas—community, education and health.

Funding will be allocated to projects that will generate maximum impact, creating lasting change for children and youth (up to the age of 21), in the following areas:

  • education programming to help children reach their full potential
  • programming supporting healthy children
  • building safe, kid-friendly communities
  • services for children and youth with special needs and their families
  • programs that promote the interest of children and youth
  • mental health programs for children and youth

Organizations applying for project funding should either be based in the community or rely significantly on community resources to undertake the activities proposed or to achieve the objectives stated. Projects should involve capacity-building (i.e., the creation or expansion of services, rather than the maintenance of existing services; expansion may include augmentation of a service, addition of a service or inclusion of a new geographic territory). Capacity-building activities could include hiring and/or training staff or covering costs directly related to the delivery of a program (such as mileage, facilities rental, communications activities) or the purchase, construction or addition of new equipment or facilities.

The type of support that projects might provide covers a wide range of services and activities. Some examples (which are not meant to be exhaustive or to limit the generality of the concept) are:

The Foundation will support:

  • projects aimed at building front-line capacity to provide community-based support for children
  • projects that:
    • address needs of children living with disabilities, illness, who are vulnerable
    • enhance the ability of families and communities to nurture their children
    • extend a caring hand to the children of our community, build better futures for our children and, ultimately, a stronger community
    • support educational, preventative, therapeutic and rehabilitative programs for children, youth and their families
  • projects that focus on: education, development, culture/civic programs, health and physical activity, social services and arts and culture for youth and families