It appears that the latest result is partial reinstatement (I think about 82 cents) of the former $2.13 average which will result in rationing.

“Joint Statement: Southern Ontario Library Service and Ontario Library Service – North 
Over the last month, the Southern Ontario Library Service and Ontario Library Service – North have worked with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to revise our 2019-20 budgets to achieve a common goal.
That goal was to focus on programs that have the greatest impact to public libraries and their users. As a result of that work, a solution has been found to restore inter-library loan services across the province beginning on June 1, 2019.
Both library service organizations will provide partial reimbursement to libraries for delivery costs through Canada Post. This will preserve the online system libraries use to coordinate the program, ensuring that this key service continues to reach Ontario communities.
The inter-library loan program is an important tool that allows libraries to share their catalogues, connecting people with the books they want to read – regardless of where they are in the province. We will continue to work with our partners, including local libraries, library organizations and the ministry, to deliver the services that our communities rely on.
Mellissa D’Onofrio-Jones SOLS CEO/ Directrice Générale
Barbara Franchetto OLS – North  CEO/ Directrice Générale”