LAC Funding Available to Small Libraries For OCLC Services

November 1, 2018

Small public libraries and small libraries at post-secondary institutions have until December 11, 2018 to apply for financial assistance from Library and Archives Canada (LAC) for OCLC services to acquire copy cataloguing data, add information on their collections to the OCLC catalogue and receive interlibrary loan services.


Small libraries that are not already covered by provincial or territorial funding for copy cataloguing/reporting holdings and/or ILL services are eligible to apply for LAC’s support, if they are:

  • public libraries with up to 50,000 population served; or
  • libraries at post-secondary institutions with a collection size of up to 60,000 items (print books, serial backfiles, e-books, audio/visual, serials, e-reference sources)

Financial assistance is not available to:

  • elementary and high school libraries (including school districts and school boards)
  • regional library system headquarters serving total populations of 50,000 people or more
  • libraries that receive cataloguing or ILL services from another library or a provincial office
  • special libraries
  • other government libraries

Canadian catalogue: Financial assistance for small Canadian libraries

Small public libraries and small libraries at post-secondary institutions have until December 11, 2018, to apply for financial assistance from Library and Archives Canada for OCLC (Online Computer Library Centre) services.

This support will allow the recipients to contribute to enriching the Canadian holdings catalogue and to providing worldwide access to the collections of Canadian libraries. OCLC services enable libraries to acquire copy cataloguing data, add information on their collections to the OCLC catalogue and receive interlibrary loan services.

All libraries that received financial assistance in the first funding cycle (from February 2018 to March 2019) will automatically continue to receive assistance for the period from April 2019 to March 2020 without having to reapply.

To learn more about the eligibility criteria and the OCLC services included in the agreement with Library and Archives Canada, or to complete the online application form, visit the financial assistance for small libraries web page.

(Via Library and Archives Canada)