Library and Archives Canada: a new era with Aurora

In its continuing efforts to renew its library system, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has launched Aurora, a new interface to access LAC’s published holdings.

With Aurora and the successful launch earlier this year of Voilà, the new National Union Catalogue that contains the holdings of hundreds of Canadian libraries, LAC now offers two easy ways to access Canada’s rich published heritage from anywhere in the world. Both Voilà and Aurora are hosted by OCLC, the world’s largest online resource for discovering library materials.

With the new library system, LAC will benefit from state-of-the-art tools, in line with library peers, that will enable us to gain daily efficiencies to better serve Canadians and the library community. Aurora will also help raise awareness of LAC’s collections and increase user autonomy for requesting materials.

For over 20 years, LAC has been relying on the now technologically outdated AMICUS as its library system. In preparation for the decommissioning of AMICUS scheduled for the spring, users are now invited to consult Aurora and Voilà for their library needs.