Just in case you haven’t heard, two other provinces have given dates for public libraries to open soon.
They are Manitoba and BC . . . for now.

[Manitoba] Could be another month before Winnipeg libraries reopen: city councillor

Coun. Sherri Rollins says she is ’emphasizing the slow and methodical approach’ to reopening

“It was a real surprise because we didn’t have any idea it was coming so soon.”

That from South Central Regional Library’s Cathy Ching Tuesday, who says staff are returning to work and preparing to reopen their facilities. Libraries were included in the province’s first phase of reopening the economy.

Jake Epp Library Set To Open In Stages

[Manitoba] Jake Epp Library staff are preparing for phase one of Manitoba’s Pandemic and Economic Roadmap for recovery.

Phase 1 will see book drops by appointment beginning on May 7 with due dates for all materials remaining June 30.

On May 14, contactless book pick-ups will be made available on an appointment basis only.

I like this measure:
“Libraries can reopen if they follow numerous public health rules, which includes maintaining physical distancing between staff and visitors — except for “brief exchanges” — and limiting occupancy to 50 per cent, or one person per 10 square metres, whichever is lower.”