Censorship Throughout the Centuries: A timeline of US book bans and the fight for intellectual freedom
The year 2023 was another record-breaker for book bans. The American Library Association’s (ALA) Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) documented1,247 attempts to censor library books and other materials—most of which were works by or about people of color, members of...
OPLW 2024 Digital Materials Now Available!
October is Canadian Library Month! During the month, libraries and library partners across Canada raise awareness of libraries’ valuable role in the lives of people in Canada. In Ontario, the first week of October features First Nations Public Library Week (October...
CFLA-FCAB’s Intellectual Freedoms Award Call for Nominations
The Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) is seeking nominations for its Intellectual Freedom Award, intended to recognize those Canadian libraries, individuals or library-related organizations that have best upheld and...