Well, we’re very excited here at FOPL!
Over the summer of 2015, we will release to you – weekly – your Tuesday series of analytics to wet your whistle on the performance of public libraries in Ontario!
To get you started here are:
- the introduction to the full report IntroductionToStatsReport 2001-2013
- a primer on library statistics for context and to assist you in reading the tables and charts Primer_July21
- an alphabetical master summary of 2013 major indicators of performance (measurements – not raw data) FOPL_Key_ratios_allc (Excel)
Key ratios download link as a PDF: W1_Key_Ratios_2013 (1)
I know a few of you print these out and keep a binder so I’ll share the cover with you as well: Stats Cover
The Federation appreciates a grant from the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport which made some of the analysis of these data possible.
Stephen Abram
Executive Director, FOPL