November 2021

November 2021 FOPL and OLA will be meeting with Liberal Party leader Stephen Del Duca at the end of the month. I am VERY excited for this meeting and speaks to the success of our meeting last month with Kate Graham. We have also been invited to meet with NDP platform party chairs to discuss our priorities and see if we can make those priorities align with theirs as well. This puts us in an excellent position to push our priorities forward to the Liberals as they develop their election...

Truth and Reconciliation in Your Library

FOPL's Indigenous Library Partnership Working Group has formally endorsed and recommends the CFLA's Truth and Reconciliation Report and Recommendations. This report was published by CFLA's Truth and Reconciliation Committee which exists to promote initiatives in all types of libraries to advance reconciliation by supporting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, and to promote collaboration in these issues across the Canadian library community. The report details 10...

CFLA Position Statement on Intellectual Freedom / Énoncé sur la liberté intellectuelle de la CFAB

Le français suit As you may be aware, there has been much in the news as of late, especially in the USA, regarding censorship in schools. It appears as though there have been some regressions here by way of intellectual freedom. The Canadian Federation of Library Associations has published an official statement, developed by the Intellectual Freedom Committee and approved by the Board of Directors on January 7, 2022. It provides valuable guidance by interpreting our Statement on Intellectual...

Support for Official Languages in Canadian Libraries / Étude des mesures provinciales et territoriales encadrant les langues officielles dans les bibliothèques au Canada

Le français suit A message from our friends at Library and Archives Canada: Subject : Report on Provincial and Territorial Measures to Support Official Languages in Libraries in Canada Dear colleagues, I want to inform you of the publication of the report, entitled Study of Provincial and Territorial Measures to Support Official Languages in Libraries in Canada. As you know, libraries are certainly among the most present institutions in our diverse Canadian communities. It is also the case for...

Another Push for Fair E-Book Pricing

The pandemic has our communities consuming e-books and e-audiobooks at a record pace. But many publishers highly inflate prices for e-books or won't sell to libraries at all; which of course means that not everyone has the same access to information through their local public library. Librarians in Massachusetts have had enough and are teaming up with lawmakers to demand a new deal for libraries:  

Webinar: Library Engagement in a Pandemic & Post Pandemic Virtual World

Dalhousie–Horrocks National Leadership Lecture: Library Engagement in a Pandemic & Post Pandemic Virtual World  - Dr. Carla Hayden February 1st at 12:00 PM AST.Bio: Dr. Carla Hayden was sworn in as the 14th Librarian of Congress on September 14, 2016. Hayden, the first woman and the first African American to lead the national library, was nominated to the position by President Barack Obama on February 24, 2015, and her nominations was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 13. Prior to her...

Contribute to AMO and Municipal World

Municipal World recently formed a partnership with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to create a new resource. The Municipal Knowledge Portal will help municipalities find and share documents like by-laws, policies, reports, and more - all in one convenient location. In the spirit of collaboration that thrives in the municipal sector, they are currently looking for contributions in the following areas: Climate Change and Green Operations Human Resources Diversity and Inclusion Parks...

Libraries Supporting Economic Development

Le français suit In today's post-pandemic climate, the Ontario government is focused on economic recovery and development. Have you ever considered how your library contributes to that development? An interesting case for advocacy: libraries support small and local business, impact literacy rates which are intrinsically tied to economic development, provide services for the disables, contribute to ongoing education for skills upgrading, and more. Read more here:...

LAC Funding Opportunity for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation Organizations

Listen, Hear Our Voices is an initiative to support Indigenous nations, governments and non-profit organizations in their efforts to: digitize existing documentary heritage related to Indigenous languages and cultures; and build the skills, knowledge and resources required to carry out this work in their communities. Program staff are available for advice and support on Listen, Hear Our Voices funding applications. To find out more or to apply, visit the Library and Archives Canada website,...

2020 Data Report

The 2020 Data Report is now available!  This data report includes the most recent 2020 operating data. Members may download this report. The dataset is also available to remembers free of charge. Please contact Dina Stevens for a copy of the full dataset in excel format.  Peer Comparison Reports are also available and can be commissioned by request. FOPL Data Report, 2020 Ontario Public Library Operating Data, 2000-2020 Federation of Ontario Public Libraries Published: November 2021  ...