Ontario Delivers $2.8 Billion COVID-19 Fall Preparedness Plan

NEWS RELEASE Ontario Delivers $2.8 Billion COVID-19 Fall Preparedness Plan New Investments Prepare Province for Second Wave of COVID-19 September 30, 2020 Office of the Premier Table of Contents Content Quick Facts Additional Resources Related Topics TORONTO ― The Ontario government has developed a $2.8 billion COVID-19 fall preparedness plan to ensure the province's health care, long-term care and education systems are prepared for the immediate challenges of the fall, including a second wave...

CFLA joint communique with CARL –  Canadians Need Unfettered Access To Government Publications In Face Of COVID-19

Dear Members - A joint communique with CARL -  Canadians Need Unfettered Access To Government Publications In Face Of COVID-19 Chers Membres - Un joint communiqué avec ABRC -  Les Canadiens ont besoin d’un accès sans entrave aux publications gouvernementales face à la COVID-19   -- Rebecca Raven, Executive Director CFLA - FCAB TO: Hon. Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Canadian Heritage Hon. Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, President of the...

Today’s coronavirus news: Masking policies in place in Toronto are being expanded to everywhere in Ontario; Ontario testing goes appointment only as of Tuesday; 732 reported cases in Ontario

Today’s coronavirus news: Masking policies in place in Toronto are being expanded to everywhere in Ontario; Ontario testing goes appointment only as of Tuesday; 732 reported cases in Ontario

Registration for the 2021 Forest of Reading Program Now Open!

Register for the Forest of Reading! Problem viewing this email? Click here. Registration for the 2021 Forest of Reading Program Open! Registration is now open for the 2021 Forest of Reading program! The low one-time annual fee allows you to run all 10 Forest of Reading programs with as many readers as you want – whether you have six readers, or 600! Despite these challenging times of new routines, limitations, and role changes in libraries and classrooms, we hope you will find a way to make...

New Federal Programs Replacing CERB

New Federal Programs Replacing CERB Workers not eligible for EI will be able to access income support through new Recovery Benefits Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland, and the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, Carla Qualtrough, announced the introduction of Bill C-2, to create three new temporary Recovery Benefits to support Canadians who are unable to work for reasons related to COVID-19: A Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) of $500...

Requirement to Screen Employees for COVID-19

Requirement to Screen Employees for COVID-19 As of September 25, the Ontario government has amended order O. Reg 364/20: Rules for Areas in Stage 3 under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, to tighten public health measures in response to the recent rise in cases of COVID-19. This amended order requires organizations to comply with any advice, recommendations, and instructions issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health on screening for COVID-19....

October is for Celebrating School Libraries!

View this email in your browser October is for Celebrating School Libraries! The Canadian Federation of Library Associations/ La Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA–FCAB) has proclaimed October as Canadian Library Month, an annual celebration of libraries, library workers and the services they provide to their users. The proclamation emphasizes the essential part that libraries play in democratic access to knowledge and discovery in Canadian communities, including...

Quebec announced Monday that libraries will be closed for 28 days in October

Quebec announced Monday that libraries will be closed for 28 days in October, as will restaurants, bars and other parts of cultural backgrounds, to curb the increase in COVID-19 cases in areas where the contamination is taking speed. These temporary closures will start at midnight, Wednesday, in the red areas of Greater Montreal, Quebec and Chaudière-Appalaches. The Association des bibliothèques public du Québec (ABPQ), however, announced on Wednesday that it has entered into an agreement with...

CFLA-FCAB Supports October as Canadian Library Month

CFLA-FCAB Supports October as Canadian Library Month October is Canadian Library Month! All month long, libraries and library partners across Canada are raising awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians’ lives. More than just a place to find books, libraries promote cultural awareness, engage in the community, provide educational programs, support freedom of expression and so much more. 2020 Theme: One card, one million...