Virus-responsive library design

Virus-responsive library design Libraries have always been spaces for discovery. But in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been tasked with transforming themselves into places that allow users to physically distance while being more digitally connected than ever. As some institutions emerge from months of shutdowns, design and architecture experts seek to meet current health and safety challenges as well as safeguard these community spaces against an uncertain future.... American...

2020 Library Design Showcase

\ 2020 Library Design Showcase The Library Design Showcase is American Libraries’ annual celebration of new and renovated libraries. These shining examples of architectural innovation—completed before the COVID-19 pandemic—address user needs in unique, interesting, and effective ways. As with past showcases, renovations and expansions dominate submissions, as communities find novel ways to conserve and honor existing spaces while moving them into the 21st century.... American Libraries...

MW SHARES PODCAST: MUNICIPAL WORLD PODCAST: Moving the mark on racism, Part 2

September 2, 2020 MW SHARES: MUNICIPAL WORLD PODCAST The conversation continues as City of London Councillor Arielle Kayabaga joins Municipal World CEO Susan Gardner to share her thoughts on the rallies for Black Lives Matter, racism as a public health crisis, and what local governments can do right now to move the mark on systemic racism in a meaningful way. LISTEN...

The pandemic has exposed the GTA’s digital divide

INEQUALITY The pandemic has exposed the GTA’s digital divide With about a quarter of Ontario parents planning to keep their kids home this fall, GTA school boards are rushing to plug the city’s digital divide, May Warren reports. While most families are digitally connected, many have only one or two devices per household and lack adequate internet to support e-learning. Context: The Toronto, Catholic and Peel school boards have provided devices to students who need them, but the Peel board’s...

MW SHARES Podcast: MUNICIPAL PANDEMIC RESPONSE: Pro tips for virtual municipal meetings – Part 1

September 1, 2020 MW SHARES: MUNICIPAL PANDEMIC RESPONSE In the wake of COVID-19, how we meet and gather – for work or play – has changed forever. Physical distancing, self-isolation, and mandatory quarantine has turned many kitchen tables into home offices as we connect via video conferencing. But without the benefit of face-to-face communication and fewer non-verbal cues to follow, it’s harder to get our point across – clearly and confidently. In this episode, communications pro Jan...