OTF: Ontario Supporting Non-Profits as Province Recovers from COVID-19 Grant Program Will Ensure Royal Canadian Legions and Other Non-Profits Can Continue to Deliver Vital Services

News Release Ontario Supporting Non-Profits as Province Recovers from COVID-19 Grant Program Will Ensure Royal Canadian Legions and Other Non-Profits Can Continue to Deliver Vital Services August 5, 2020 1:00 P.M. Office of the Premier TORONTO ― The Ontario government is investing $83 million through the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) to provide grants to help eligible non-profit organizations, including food banks, child and youth programs and Royal Canadian Legion branches, recover from...

Leger Weekly Poll: WE Charity, Sexual Misconduct, Pro Sports and COVID-19

Hello, Every week, we survey Canadians and Americans to explore their perspectives on COVID-19 and other current events. To help you stay up to date, we are sharing the results of our latest survey. COVID-19 SURVEY RESULTS - AUGUST 5, 2020 Conducted using our representative LEO (Leger Opinion) panel, in partnership with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS), and published in The Canadian Press. 57% of Canadians are afraid of contracting COVID-19 (the same proportion as last week). IN THE...

Canadian Government carves out $3B to help communities with pandemic infrastructure projects

Government carves out $3B to help communities with pandemic infrastructure projects Funds will support school, long-term care facility retrofits, as well as bike and walking paths The federal government is adjusting a $33-billion COVID-19 infrastructure program to help Canadian communities respond to the global pandemic. Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna announced a new COVID-19 "resilience"...

A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives

A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives August 3, 2020 A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives (PDF) (2020) Un cadre de réconciliation pour les institutions d’archives canadiennes (PDF) (2020) Release of A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives (July 2020) By the Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Taskforce of the Steering...

Latest Pew Research on Family and Kid Engagement with Digital

Parenting Children in the Age of Screens Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies – like social media or smartphones – as a reason 1. Children’s engagement with digital devices, screen time 2. Parental views about YouTube...