The survey on 2012 Municipal Funding is now closed.  The results follow:

We had 51 unique responses to our survey.

  • 34 libraries saw an increase in funding (66.7%)
  • 6 saw a decrease in funding (11.7%)
  • 11 had no change in funding (21.6%)

The average increase in funding was 4.2%.   The highest increase was 10.4% and the lowest was a 0-2% (pending).
The average decrease in funding was 4.3%. The highest cut was 9.5% and the lowest was 1.5%.

Are 2012 Budget parameters forcing service changes?

  • 37 no
  • 12 yes, to some extent
  • 2 yes, significantly

Population Served by library:

  • up to 5,000 = 9
  • 5,001-15,000 = 10
  • 15,001-30,000 = 10
  • 30,001-50,000 = 6
  • 50,001-100,000 = 9
  • 100,001-350,000 = 5
  • 350,000+ = 2

You can discuss this issue further on our forum [click here].