The Ontario Public Library Data Project: Early Insights and Trends

A special thank you to all members in attendance of the March 19th Webinar

If you were unable to attend, but are still interested please follow this link for the session:



The Public Library Data Project: 2011 and 2012 Data: Early Insights and Trends

The Ontario public library data collection is a collaborative effort of Ontario public and Native libraries and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture, & Sport to build a normalized database of comparative data for our sector.  Annual data from 1999-2010 along with the 2011 data is now available.  2012 data is expected in mid-2014.

More importantly, what does it tell us?  What are new information is in the 2011 report and what insights and trends can we identify?  For starters, let’s understand the freshest data and hear from the team that has built these data for over a decade.  FOPL has invited the Ministry team to share with us what they’ve found and report on the data.  With the upcoming release of the 2012 data we are catching up with this critical information and have plans to use it as a foundation for successful library study and advocacy.


Rod Sawyer, Library Services Advisor, Programs and Services Branch, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, & Sport

Adam Haviaras, Culture Services Advisor, Programs and Services Branch, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, & Sport


Stephen Abram, Executive Director, FOPL

For more information:

Ontario public library statistics

Self-reported data from approximately 386 public libraries, First Nation public libraries and contracting organizations. The data includes:

  • general information including address
  • financial information
  • holdings information
  • staffing information
  • facilities information
  • activities information including typical week data
  • partnership information (2011 onwards)


2011 Ontario Public Library Statistics

Ontario Summary and Comparison

2009-2010 Ontario Public Library Statistics published as “Open Data”.   2011 is expected soon.  2012 data is expected mid 2014.

The Ministry site with the 2011 stats  has the all important “Summary and Comparison Report” showing 2010 and 2011 overall provincial comparative data together.

Also also attached the summary and comparison report as a PDF (7 Pages).
