Heads Up: FOPL has engaged a lawyer who specializes in the not-for-profit sector and the federal Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation to develop a full legal opinion and guidelines for Ontario public libraries.  Our intent is to also develop a model library policy for members.
The CASL is a very complex and different piece of legislation and there is much confusion about it in our sector.  The FOPL Board approved this initiative at our board meeting in June and suggested that we alert members to this activity. Our lawyer has noted that a province-wide policy for our sector could be a stronger defence in case of challenges to your e-mail communications. Your boards may be requested to adopt a model policy as we progress through this process and offer you this legal opinion and guidelines. Please know that the definition of ‘commercial’ e-mail communication is very broad in this legislation and our sector is not exempt.
Look forward to further news this summer. For more information contact: Stephen Abram Executive Director, FOPL sabram@fopl.ca