Introducing: Library Research Institute

Library Research Institute

Evidence-based Research for Library Practice

Kim Silk is pleased to announce the launch of the Library Research Institute: Evidence-based Research for Library Practice.

What is the LRI?
The LRI is a curated, web-based repository of research relevant to public, academic, government and special libraries.  To date, over 30 articles and studies have been added to the LRI, categorized by library type, and more are coming.

How Do I Access the Research?
Access to the web site is free; however, we am inviting you to become an LRI member so that we can track how often the site is being accessed. We believe in the power of metrics, and so have built measurement into the site.

Join the Discussion List!
A free, member-protected discussion list has been created to facilitate discussion among library practitioners who are embarking on impact studies. Join today!

Send me Feedback!
I want to know how to make the LRI useful to you – please email me anytime with suggestions and critiques.

Thank you for reading,

Kimberly Silk
Founder, Library Research Institute 

This is an exciting initiative for Canadian libraries interested in data driven decision making and tracking our impact.
