FOPL is excited to announce that access to our member training series is now open for members and non-members.  This is a series of webinars and teleconferences to build our sector’s capacity for influence and advocating for the value of public libraries.

Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

Free FOPL Advocacy and Influence Training Series

Let’s be prepared!

  • Is your whole library team – staff, management and trustees – empowered with the best training and strategies to positively influence the position of public libraries in the public forum?
  • Do you have all of the tools, talking points, research and information you need to communicate with power and influence?
  • Do you have a plan? Polished strategies? Great relationships and networks?
  • The Federation of Ontario Public Libraries has developed an 8 session training program for public library management, staff, and trustees to build our library community’s skills and muscle to speak and influence effectively about the wonderful role we play in Ontario’s culture, economy and society. This is:
  • A series of webinars and teleconferences with respected leaders in our profession
  • Based on the voice of experience and best practices
  • Underpinned by recent, solid Canadian and U.S. research on advocacy and political influencing of funding and perceptions of the value of public libraries.
  • Respectful of your valuable time – every session is a manageable time commitment for you and your colleagues at just 60 minutes each.
  • Builds your team’s skills over time. We will use webinar and teleconference technology so everyone can participate at as many sites as possible with no big travel commitment..

Link to each session are below:

Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries Syllabus

#1: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.


October 2, 2013: Webinar

Factors influencing funding decisions by elected politicians at the state/provincial level: a case study of public libraries in Canada: Part 1
Instructor: Cheryl Stenström, PhD

Understand key concepts in the advocacy process such as influence, persuasion marketing, promotion, lobbying and networking. Learn more about the highlights of the most recent research from Cheryl Stenström from her recent doctoral research where she studied the factors (internal and external) that influenced Canadian politicians and civil servants when making funding decisions about public libraries. The insights from her survey work show that while many public libraries are facing difficult decisions in the face of uncertain funding futures, the ability of the sector to obtain favourable responses to requests for increases and support may require a less simplistic approach than previously thought. The ability to create meaningful connections with individuals in many communities and across all levels of government should be emphasized as a key factor in influencing funding decisions.

Click here to listen to the speaker and see the slides for the whole 60 minute session.

#2: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

To listen to the whole 60 minute teleconference in mp3 format please click:
Part 1
Part 2


October 10, 2013: Teleconference

Real Life: Advocacy Practitioners Sharing Session 1
Sam Coghlan (Retired, Stratford Public Library)
Learning Objective: 
Advocacy in Town and County libraries

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities.  Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks.  Attend one, attend them all.  The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.

#3: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

Click here to listen to the speaker and see the slides for the whole 60 minute session.



October 25, 2013: Webinar

Factors influencing funding decisions by elected politicians at the state/provincial level: a case study of public libraries in Canada: Part 2
Instructor: Cheryl Stenström, PhD

Continue to examine applications of influence in a variety of settings, e.g., local, provincial, and national.  How do you identify stakeholders in your local setting?  What are the key strategies you need to know and what is a good framework for action over the longer term?  Cheryl Stenström shares her insights and completes this two-part foundation for exploring influencing and advocacy strategies for Ontario public libraries.

#4: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

To listen to the whole 60 minute teleconference in mp3 format please click:
Part 1
Part 2


Nov 4, 2013: Teleconference

Real Life: Advocacy Practitioners Sharing Session 2
Ken Roberts (Retired, Hamilton Public Library)
Learning Objective: 
Advocacy in Urban libraries

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities.  Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks.  Attend one, attend them all.  The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.

#5: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

Click here to listen to the speaker and see the slides for the whole 60 minute session.


Nov 21st, 2013: Webinar

The Top 6 Best Practices for Advocates in Any Setting
 Professor Wendy Newman, MLS, University of Toronto iSchool

Simply one of the best library advocates around!  Wendy Newman shares her insights on the top strategies, applying best practices, and directing your passion for public libraries successfully.

#6: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

Click here to listen to the speaker and see the slides for the whole 60 minute session.


Nov 27th, 2013: Webinar

Panel: Stephen Abram, host, Kerry Langford, Burlington Public Library Trustee
Maureen Barry, CEO, Burlington Public Library
Learning Objective: 
Community communication strategy at the Burlington Public Library

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities.  Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks.  Attend one, attend them all.  The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.

#7: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

Click here to listen to the speaker and see the slides for the whole 60 minute session.


Dec 12th, 2013: Webinar

Instructor: Ken Haycock, MLS, MBA, PhD, University of Southern California

Training in positive networking techniques and theories with global expert and thought leader Dr. Ken Haycock.


#8: Audio Files for FOPL Member Training Series – Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries

We are recording all sessions and making them available to those who couldn’t make it, or, for those who just want to listen to it again.

Click below to listen to the speaker and see the slides for the whole 60 minute session.

Part 1
Part 2


Dec 17th, 2013: Teleconference

Mary Baxter, Georgina Libraries
Claire Dianne, Russell Public Library
Susan Downes, Innisfil Public Library
Rona O’Banion, King Township Public Library
Cindy Weir, Owen Sound Public Library

Learning Objective: Advocacy in Small, Rural and Mid-Sized Libraries