FOPL and I have been planning and chairing a series of symposia at the University of Toronto and for other locations with Ken Haycock & Associates –  for a few years.  When they’re completed we post the speakers’ slides and links.  FOPL members are eligible for a 20% registration discount.

I thought it would be helpful to put them all in one place.  We’ve done 11 so far with three more on the drawing board.  Here they are:

Customer Service for Libraries

July 16 & 17, 2015, Toronto

Pushing the Envelope in Education: Roles for Libraries — MOOCs, eLearning & Gamification

Sept. 30 and Oct.1, 2013, Toronto

July 22-23, 2013

The Future of Libraries: Do We Have Five Years to Live? 2015

Nov. 12-13, 2013, Vancouver

The Future of Libraries: Do We Have Five Years to Live? 2014

May 1-2, 2014, Royal York Hotel, Toronto

Building an Engaged Flat Army for the Library 2014

We’re also working on a few more in the future:

Outcomes, Value and Impact: Metrics for Library Success

Vancouver Club, Vancouver Sept. 28-29, 2015

To register:

The Future of Libraries IV

Oct.19-20, 2015, Toronto

And then another symposium back at the iSchool @ Toronto in Jan. 2016!

What would you like the topics to be?
