August 27, 2015
Dear Stephen,
The much anticipated 2015 Federal Election was formally announced on Sunday, August 2nd during the high point of Canadian summer. The election call formalizes what has already been a campaign-like environment, as the political parties prepared for the pre-set election date of October 19, 2015.
This election period is surprising in that it is the longest-running election campaign since the Victorian Era and modern voting. The 78-day campaign will be almost twice as long as the average previous campaign periods.
CLA had an existing election strategy in place and was well prepared for the early election call. There has been incredible action on the part of many committees to identify the CLA membership’s priorities and to create a communication strategy to target candidates in this very important federal transition period. As such, the association will be launching several key election-related advocacy tools very soon, including:
  • A federal election website for library related issues. The membership previously identified the following priorities in an election context:
    • Copyright issues
    • Support to reinstate the Long Form Census
    • Broader Support for Library and Archives Canada
  • A personalized web based contact program for members to lobby candidates (an election widget)
CLA and members of the various committees who support CLA will also be monitoring election activity for related issues and updating members as needed.
In the coming days, members will be hearing more about how you can become involved in the election process and we look forward to engaging you in our election grassroots advocacy. Stay tuned for these exciting opportunities!


Valoree McKay, CAE
Executive Director / Directrice générale
Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques
1150 promenade Morrison Drive, Suite 400
Ottawa, ON K2H 8S9
T: 613.232.9625 ext. 306
F: 613.563.9895
CLA is the National Voice for Canada’s Library Communities!