Purpose: The FOPL Board recognizes that By-laws Policies and Statements of Position establish a framework for the operation of FOPL. By-laws Policies and Statements define parameters for governance of the actions of the Board, ED, staff, and volunteers of FOPL and informs budget and fiscal decisions.
Mandate: This Ad Hoc Committee known as a Project Team, has the mandate to review and update all FOPL by-laws and policies and statements of position. By-laws, Policies and Statements of the Board shall be presented in draft to the Board for consideration. This Project Team will consider if it is appropriate for this committee become a standing committee of the Board with a mandate to review biennially Board by-laws, policies and statements and make recommendations for revision. In such case, it will make a recommendation to the Board for consideration.
Membership: The Board will appoint no less than three (3) members of the Board to sit as active members of this Project Team. The Board Chair is ex-officio on all committees. The Executive Director will act as resource person to the project team. At the first meeting of the Project Team a Chair will be elected for the duration of the project. The Term of Appointment began July 23, 2021 when the Project Team was formed by the FOPL Board and concludes when assigned task is completed.
Project Teams are comprised of Board Members and include:
- Mary Chevreau. CEO, Kitchener Public Library
- Cathy Fisher. CEO, Ottawa Public Library
- Feather Maracle. CEO, Six Nations Public Library
- Margaret Maclean. Trustee, Thunder Bay Public Library
- Margie Singleton. CEO, Vaughan Public Libraries