Fee Structure Project Team

Purpose: Since 2014 when ARUPLO provided a letter of concern pertaining to the equity of the FOPL Fee structure, the Board has touched on having an updated fee structure. This is now a item on the current Strategic Plan to be addressed in the 2021 Action Plan.  

Mandate: The Ad Hoc committee knows as the Fee Structure Review Project Team, shall meet to investigate and draft an equitous fee structure for small, medium, large/urban libraries that address the upper and lower tier system; and present a plan back to the Board at a future 2021 meeting. 

Membership: The Chair is ex-officio and the Executive Director acts as a staff resource to all Project Teams and Working Groups. This Project Team will include at least one Board Member, a member from at least two fee structures including a member of upper and lower tiers, and include a maximum of four (4) members. This Ad Hoc Committee was established on September 27, 2021 and will conclude once the final Proposed Fee Structure Report has been accepted by the Board.


  • Wayne Greco, Sault Ste. Marie Public Library [Large/Urban]
  • Dr. Sabrina Saunders, The Blue Mountains Public Library [Small]
  • Vacant