2014 Annual Survey of Public Libraries (ASPL) – Reminder to FOPL Members

FOPL Members:

It is that time of year again!

It is time for Ontario Public Libraries to submit their 2014 statistics to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport. This ministry maintains and publishes statistics on public libraries in Ontario using data from this survey, which covers holdings, programs, services and partnerships, library use and many other subjects.

All libraries and organizations that contract for library service with Internet access are required to e-file their annual surveys. The Annual Survey of Public Libraries for both public libraries and contracting organizations, blank Annual Survey form and an Application User Guide is available on the “LibStats” database.  (The LibStats database is housed on the Ministry of Education’s GO-Access EDCS database).

The Annual Survey of Public Libraries (ASPL) has been mounted on a “GO-Access” database and log-in and password mechanism from 2011 to 2015.  Effective Sept 12, 2015, that changes to a “GO-Secure” database that meets updated government telecommunications security requirements.

What does this mean?

It means if your Library system does not submit your survey to the Ministry before September 12th 2015, using the GO-Access login, your Library will be required to register on the new GO-Secure system to submit.

Questions on submitting your survey or registering on the new GO-Secure system can be directed to the Ministry. The Deadline to submit your survey is October 31st, 2015.


Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA

Executive Director, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries

c/o North York Central Library

5120 Yonge Street

Toronto, ON  M2N 5N9


FOPL: 416-395-0746


Ministry Link to Library Statistics & Information – http://www.mtc.gov.on.ca/en/libraries/statistics.shtml