In the last two week’s posts we provided you with a Primer on Library Data by Dr. Robert Molyneux and Select Variables from Ontario Public Libraries, 2001-2010.

This week, we rearrange these data a bit and disaggregate the summary data in presented last week by separating the 304 libraries into separate bands by the size of the libraries’ resident population. We do this disaggregation by reporting the same data in the tables presented last week1 but for these different bands. These eight bands follow the Ministry’s intervals with one major difference: we have a ninth band of First Nations’ Libraries. The Ministry’s data include these libraries with the libraries of similar sizes but we do not. One result of separating by bands is that this report is substantially larger than last week’s but, then, there is more detail so many members can begin to get a sense of how their libraries compare to others of similar size as theirs.

This report is a summary of the changes over time (2001-2010) of cardholders, population, materials and expenditures, and circulation (including per capita).

Select Variables from Ontario Public Libraries, 2001-2010, by Band
FOPL_Report_2_Selected_Variables_by_Bands (7 page PDF)

After these three reports, you have the summary information for Ontario libraries.  In coming weeks we will start sharing analyses, ranking, and more ‘by band’ data.  We will also create a snapshot of library impact in Ontario.  There are further plans to develop comparisons across Canadian provinces and US States, develop a shared measurement methodology, and to develop a new FOPL Index of Community Engagement to allow for cross-library comparisons on the reality of today – hybrid services – digital and print and in-house and virtual traffic for service and programs.

Also, we expect to have the 2011 and 2012 released in open data format by the Ministry so that we can update and release the analyses to you in early 2015 (maybe at Super Conference!).

More reports will arrive for full FOPL members every Wednesday on this website blog and your e-mail inbox!

For more information contact Stephen Abram, executive director of FOPL at