Here is one good idea initiated by Whitby Public Library that FOPL encourages libraries in the province to do to encourage the understanding of the role of public libraries in culture and as part of the new and first Ontario Culture Strategy development:

“Our upcoming Culture Roundtable is taking shape.

Well over one hundred Durham “culture leaders” have been invited to the discussion, and thus far we’ve had positive response from over thirty.   Those invited have included Durham Library CEOs (and their Library colleagues) and Durham Library Boards.

The plan for the evening is that I will welcome participants and introduce Jane who will briefly talk about her role on the Advisory Group and the development of a Provincial Culture Strategy.   Participants will then break into groups to answer specific culture-related questions, reporting back to the whole group, ideally generating larger coversation.

If you’re able, it would be great if you can join us.  In fact, in a short conference call this afternoon Jane, Rhonda and I agreed that it would be very helpful to have a Whitby Public Library board member at each breakout table, representing the Library, guiding conversation, and acting as scribe, reporting back to the larger group.

Please consider if you can.

Please RSVP to by Monday November 9.

Thank you.


Sample invite:

Ontario Culture Strategy

People, passion and ideas – it’s what culture is all about.  What does it mean to you?

Please join us for a Roundtable Discussion on culture at the Whitby Central Library on Monday, November 16, 7-9 p.m.

The Ontario Government is developing Ontario’s first culture strategy and has launched province-wide “Culture Talks” to find out what culture means to Ontarians.

Jane Hilton, Whitby Public Library Trustee and 2015 Ontario Library Association President, has been appointed to the Province’s Culture Advisory Group. Jane and the Whitby Public Library Board invite you to share your thoughts on the importance and impact of culture and provide feedback to the government as it moves forward with this exciting initiative. Your input will be invaluable to the Advisory Group. (It is also a great networking opportunity!)

We hope you can participate on November 16.  Please pass on to other as well.  Refreshments will be served.

 Please RSVP to by Monday November 9.

The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport has provided a Discussion Paper that you may find useful to read in advance of the meeting.

If you are unable to join us, you can take part in an online discussion at The consultations will run until December 7, 2015.

I hope to see you November 16.


Ian Ross
Whitby Public Library
405 Dundas Street West
Whitby, ON  L1N 6A1
T:905-668-6541 Ext. 2222
F: 905-668-7445

Congratulations Whitby PL.