Ontario Public Library Week Update

Ontario Public Library Week Update Via OLA October is Canadian Library Month! During this month, libraries and library partners across Canada raise awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians’ lives. In Ontario, the first week of October...

Inform, Educate, and Engage: Anti-Racism Resources

Inform, Educate, and Engage: Anti-Racism Resources Via OLA “Libraries inform, educate and engage. Libraries serve communities. At the same time, OLA recognizes that North American libraries are rooted in a history of colonialism, anti-Black racism, and white...

Announcement: Canadian Library Month graphics and Dropbox

Here are the graphics for Ontario Public Library Week and Canadian Library Month (OPLW/CLM) in the Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jli633uc3xuuskc/AADXQFVbvhntucfiu15fCAO_a?dl=0 Instructions: To download any file in this shareable Dropbox folder, you can...

Another Quarantine Trend: Guitars are back, baby!

For those libraries that lend musical instruments . . . For those libraries that offer music or guitar training videos (Gales Courses has a few) . . . Here’s a trend: Guitars are back, baby! https://www.thestar.com/life/2020/09/09/guitars-are-back-baby.html...