The following letter was sent by FOPL to Premier Wynne today.  Although we know you’re planning on doing this, we’d like to remind all CEOs and Library board members that it’s a fine idea to send congratulatory notes to your winning MPPs of any political stripe.  This letter may serve as a start to craft your own.

June 16, 2014
Kathleen Wynne
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Dear Premier Wynne:


Congratulations on winning your seat in the Don Valley West riding, remaining Premier, and achieving a new Liberal majority government.

The Federation of Ontario Public Libraries has been impressed with your leadership of Ontario.  We are especially thankful for your support of funding initiatives for public libraries in Ontario.

We are looking forward to the reintroduction of the last proposed provincial budget which contained a 3 year, $10 million Ontario Libraries Capacity Fund. As the budget documents noted:“Recognizing the key role that public libraries play in delivering and supporting important community programs, the government will provide an additional $10 million over the next three years to help achieve IT improvements across the public library sector, improve service delivery, and encourage more research and innovation.”

The Federation of Ontario Public Libraries wants to commend you for this initiative which recognizes the clear difference that public libraries in Ontario make on the social, economic and learning fabric of our province and as key contributors to providing free, unfettered and professional access to e-government for all residents of Ontario.  We believe that the proposed three year innovation fund will have a lasting impact on the capacity of public libraries to continue to thrive and succeed in supporting all Ontarians and have a measurable impact on the success of Ontario and Ontarians.

Congratulations and thank you again for your support of public libraries in our province.


Stephen Abram, MLS

Executive Director

Cel: 416-669-4855

Cc:          Shelagh Paterson, Executive Director, Ontario Library Association

Kevin Finnerty, ADM, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport