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Future Tech Strategies for Libraries


University of Toronto iSchool

February 19-20, 2015

This latest symposium (the fifth successful event in the past year) focuses on the technological challenges and trends coming down the pipe for libraries.  What’s coming up that may not be on your radar?

  • Are your technologies and tech strategies up-to-date?
  • Are you adapting technology quickly enough? Are you studying Geo, beacons, LinkedData, discovery services, and more?
  • Are our innovation cultures ready for the world of constantly changing technology and societal expectations?
  • Are we ready for the community and learning focused tech that are emerging as game changers? 
  • Do you want to learn about technology innovation in libraries and discuss and explore opportunities with peers?
  • What’s the next step in virtual community engagement?

If these questions interest you and your team, then this is the symposium for you to explore new ways to think about tech opportunities and trends as well as to address our future challenges.

Check out the program and speakers!


Register and join us!