The Future of Libraries: Ours to Create, NOW!

University of Toronto iSchool Symposium in partnership with FOPL

The Future of Libraries: Ours to Create, NOW!

Oct 19/20, 2015

A full two-day institute for CEOs, University/College Librarians, government and special library directors, and their senior staff and managers, to get beyond the nostalgia, platitudes and cliches to explore the significant challenges facing library leaders. A unique program planned by and for public library CEOs/Directors, College and University Librarians and their senior staff, as well as special and government library directors and their staff.

FOPL and OLA Members are eligible for a 20% registration discount

Lots of great speakers, topics and time for discussion!  Check out the program schedule

Register early as space is limited!

This very popular symposium has been a success in Toronto in 2014, LA in 2015, Vancouver in 2015 and more.  Comments on past symposia included:

  • Overall the most significant symposium I have attended as a professional librarian.
  • I wish I could have brought more of my team!
  • Each speaker offered a perspective that inspired deeper thinking.
  • Good mix of presentation, discussion and networking.
  • Variety and pace was great.
  • Great conference, challenging topics.
  • Thanks very much for challenging the assumptions!
  • Great event, bringing together thought leaders to explore tough issues facing all types of libraries.
  • Loved the mixture of webinar and on the ground; kept me interested and engaged
  • Every session had great insights & made me think about services and organization.
  • Love having smart people from outside “library land”
  • Fantastic event! Validates that urgent change needs to happen.
  • I got so many ideas that make me think about services/programs and structure.
  • New ideas; new perspectives; very useful.
  • My brain processes were ignited!
  • The best conference I’ve attended in some time.



Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA

Executive Director, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries

Cel: 416-669-4855

FOPL: 416-395-0746