Defining New Metrics for Library Success

May 11-12, U of T iSchool

Sponsor: Counting Opinions

20% Discount for FOPL and OLA Members

Please forward this notice to your HR person, branch heads and CEO.

Following on last summer’s successful metrics symposium, we have a lot of progress this year.  At this symposium we will be presenting – for the first time – some of our new data from a full-scale 2015 public opinion poll of Ontarians about their use and attitudes about public libraries.  We also expect to have new data from the Ministry that tracks library performance and rankings of all Ontario libraries and present the results for 2011-2013.  This is not to be missed in addition to all of the other great speakers.

All libraries are challenged to communicate their value in uncertain fiscal and changing environments. Our communities, boards, management and institutions are asking for stronger and better measurements of our impact and value to help them with decision making and prioritization.

Are your measurement strategies up-to-date?

  • Are you up-to-date on the latest in statistical profiles of libraries in Ontario and Canada?
  • Are we measuring the community engagement and learning or just counting transactional stats?
  • What’s the next step in measurement and what do we know about peer analyses now?
  • If these questions interest you and your team, then this is the symposium for you to explore new ways to think about measurement as well as to address our future challenges.

This symposium is about the various metrics and measures the library sector and discipline uses to manage what it is doing (its activities and individual services) and the value of what it is doing. These are very different measurement objectives and processes, yet complementary and vital.  It discusses “measurement” in a broad sense, including the value of selected services as well as the overall management of processes and services. It is very important that people in the library sector are aware of different measures – – with different objectives.  Who knows where new ideas will come from? All libraries can learn from each other.

This two-day event illustrates the breadth and depth of the challenge for stronger and better measurements of our impact and value:

  • Explores opportunities for new value measurements
  • Puts metrics into the context of libraries
  • Shares exciting measurement programs already in place by pioneers
  • Suggests areas for future endeavours
  • Features leading edge thinkers and practitioners

Explore with your colleagues the opportunities and practices in both qualitative and quantitative measurements as well as best practices in visualization of data and communicating with our funders, management, councils and more.

See program details,

And register,