At its Annual General Meeting on February 1, 2012, the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries conferred a lifetime designation of Honorary Member on two individuals in recognition of their longstanding service to the organization. This is the first time in the Federation’s history that the Board of Directors has conferred the title of Honorary Member.
“Our bylaws allow the Board to give honorary membership to individuals who over many years have been instrumental in advancing the strategic direction, projects and organization of the Federation, and whose sound judgement, strategic acumen and cohesive leadership are respected by their colleagues,” said Board Chair Jim Bennett.
Barbara Clubb, former CEO of Ottawa Public Library, is one recipient. Her contribution to the Federation includes influencing the advocacy agenda and gaining member support for proposed changes to the funding model for provincial operating grants. Barbara also spoke on behalf of the Federation at such high profile events as the annual convention of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. In addition, she served as inspiring mentor to various Federation leaders on an ongoing basis, and ensured her library provided generous gifts-in-kind to support the Federation’s operations.
The other recipient is Marzio Apolloni, retiring CEO of Bruce County Library. Marzio has been a passionate advocate for the value of public libraries in connecting people to their communities and fostering life-long learning. He served on the Federation’s Board of Directors since its inception in 2005. As Board Chair from 2008 to 2010, a critical formative period for the organization, Marzio oversaw many advances in raising the Federation’s profile with the provincial government, and in building the case to support public libraries. During his tenure, membership in the Federation rose by 19%.
“We congratulate Barbara and Marzio on becoming Honorary Members and we look forward to benefitting from their continued association with the Federation as volunteers and advisors well into their retirements,” said Jim Bennett.
The Federation of Ontario Public Libraries is a not-for-profit membership association that provides a single, strong voice for public libraries in Ontario to enhance library policies and programs. Its services focus on four strategic pillars: advocacy, marketing, research and consortia purchasing. The Federation’s 215 member libraries are responsible for serving 80% of Ontario’s population.