On Thursday Sept 24, 2015 Michael Coteau, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport announced the launch of province-wide consultations on the development of Ontario’s FIRST Culture Strategy.  Library organizations were consulted early in this process and below is a picture of us at the launch at the Daniel’s Spectrum in Toronto.

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  • Vickery Bowles, City Librarian, Toronto Public Library
  • Jane Hilton, President OLA 2015 (And our sector’s representative on the Culture Strategy Advisory Group)
  • Shelagh Paterson, executive director, OLA
  • Stephen Abram, executive director, FOPL

To learn more about these consultations, consult the attached briefing document and visit the website.

“News Release

Help Develop Ontario’s First Culture Strategy

Government Hosting Culture Talks Across the Province

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Ontario is seeking input from across the province to develop its first culture strategy, which will set out a vision for arts and culture in Ontario to build healthier, more vibrant and prosperous communities.

Culture in Ontario can include everything from our heritage, traditions, and identity, to creative arts including music and film, to public spaces including libraries, museums and historical sites. Culture is also continuously evolving. Changing demographics, the economy and the influence of digital technology are having a profound impact on culture in Ontario. The new culture strategy will help ensure that support for culture reflects these changes, while giving Ontarians a chance to tell their stories and share what arts and culture mean to them.

Hearing from you is important. Ontarians are invited to get involved in Culture Talks by:

Consultations, which will include First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, will run until December 7, 2015.

The government has also brought together a Culture Strategy Advisory Group, which will provide expertise and diverse perspectives on the role of culture in Ontario and the development of the culture strategy.

Supporting arts and culture in the province is part of the government’s economic plan for Ontario. The four-part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people’s talents and skills, making the largest investment in public infrastructure in Ontario’s history, creating a dynamic, innovative environment where business thrives, and building a secure retirement savings plan.

Quick Facts

  • Public consultation is a key part of Ontario’s Open Government initiative, which is helping to create a more transparent, accessible and collaborative government for the people of Ontario.
  • Culture is one of the fastest growing sectors in Ontario. It generates approximately $22 billion of Ontario’s GDP and supports more than 280,000 jobs.
  • Ontario has over 58,000 artists – nearly twice as many as any other province.
  • Nearly five million Ontarians are active library cardholders.
  • About 24,000 properties are protected under the Ontario Heritage Act and there are over 300 community museums in the province.
  • Ontario’s music industry is the largest in Canada, and in 2013-14 the province’s film and television production supported over 44,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Background Information

Additional Resources


Michael Coteau

“Ontario’s cultural landscape has evolved and it is important that government priorities reflect this. That’s why I am proud that our government is developing the province’s first-ever culture strategy. I look forward to hearing from Ontarians about what they value about arts and culture in their lives and what culture means to them. This is an opportunity for the province to take a fresh look at how it invests in arts and culture, to build our vibrant sectors and to enrich our diverse communities.”

Michael Coteau

Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport”

Culture Strategy Formatted DP – Sept 23 (1) (Discussion Paper for Advisory Group)

Culture Talks Website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontarios-culture-strategy
