Provincial Inter-Ministerial Public Library Discussion Forum, January 29, 2014, OLA Super Conference
Co-hosted and co-sponsored by Administrators of Medium-sized Public Libraries in Ontario (AMPLO) and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.
This session was a facilitated discussion about common themes and interests between Ontario provincial ministries and Public Libraries. Objectives included informing staff in key ministries about existing and potential partnership opportunities and providing information about government goals, policies, and programs to consider how Public Libraries and ministries can work together.
Setting the context: Examples of Public Library programs and initiatives matched to government priorities (videos), and Ministry presentations (PowerPoint presentations).
Economic Development (Video)
Sharing knowledge and communicating ideas at the library. Develop your skills, create, and become an entrepreneur. Libraries are helping to drive innovation in communities.
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs: Aboriginal Economic Development Supports
Ministry of Research and Innovation and the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Rural Affairs
Building Strong Communities (video)
The library can be a welcoming and socially inclusive place for families. Examples: a place to get referrals to other community services, a place for specialists to visit with families (nutritionists, early childhood education, etc.), a place for young parents and their children. The library can offer a multitude of services for people new to Canada.
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Promotion Priorities: Building Healthy Communities
Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI)
Lifelong Learning and Literacy (Video)
Programs for babies, pre-school children, and youth in the library and with community partners. Children can even read a story to a non-judgmental dog! The library provides services for people who have disabilities, job seekers, and those looking to upgrade their skills and education.
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities: Strategic Policy and Programs Division
Early Years Division, Ministry of Education (pdf)