Strengthening Public Library Board Performance: A Four Year Learning Cycle

The Ontario Library Association and the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries have received a Cultural Development Fund Grant, funded by the Government of Ontario.

This project will strengthen public library board performance and effectiveness across Ontario by creating tools to increase capabilities in the areas of; board recruitment, municipal engagement and strategic and financial planning.

This two year (April 2014 – March 2016) province-wide strategy will increase the effectiveness and capacity of public library boards.  It will be managed by OLA, in partnership with the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries with support and involvement from the Southern Ontario Library Service and Ontario Library Service North. The objective is to create a 4-year learning cycle for board development that is aligned with the key annual cyclical components or situational events of the Board life cycle.

A team of OLBA and FOPL members will advise and participate in the project.

Activities will include:

  • Assessment of existing resources and identifying resource and training gaps.
  • Development and delivery of e-learning modules.
  • Trustee boot-camps at OLA Super Conference 2015 and 2016, and regional workshops including a train the trainer program to help boards with continual learning.

Key contacts:

Shelagh Paterson, executive director, OLA

Stephen Abram, executive director, FOPL