September 25, 2015
A useful site for the FOPL membership.
The 2015 Federal Election is well underway and with the vast majority of candidates now nominated this is an excellent time for you to let your future representatives know how library issues affect you and the community you live and work in.
The Canadian Library Association has created a microsite: where you can not only learn about some key issues that affect all Canadians, but also submit a letter to local candidates in our handy election campaign tool!
The issues that CLA is highlighting were chosen by public survey to the membership. We recognize that the library community advocates for much more than the issues identified, but we wanted to make sure we were sending a clear, concise message to candidates that highlights some of the top priorities affecting our community today. CLA will continue to advocate for all library issues during and after the campaign. It’s really important that you make sure your voice is heard too!
The Federal Election will take place on October 19th and all signs point to a minority government, but the polls are too close to determine who will form government. Therefore, using the campaign tool, your letter will be sent to the most prominent party candidates in your riding. CLA has the opportunity to make sure libraries are a priority in every community in Canada, but we need your help! Make sure to share this with your colleagues, friends and family. A few clicks will make a huge difference.  Also remember to tweet and share these messages on social media using the hashtag #votelibraries2015.
If you require more information, please
Valoree McKay, CAE
Executive Director / Directrice générale
Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques
1150 promenade Morrison Drive, Suite 400
Ottawa, ON K2H 8S9
T: 613.232.9625 ext. 306
F: 613.563.9895
CLA is the National Voice for Canada’s Library Communities!