University of Toronto iSchool Library Statistics Symposium in partnership with FOPL
After last summer’s successful symposium on library measurements we have decided to do it again! This year will build on last year’s presentations (see the presentations under the archives link on the website We will also have available and in-person our key FOPL consultants on the projects that matter so much to Ontario’s libraries including the first public presentations on updated Ontario public library datasets from 2011-2013 and the results of our massive Market Probe (online and telephone) public opinion poll on Ontarians attitudes towards public libraries. This is a two day symposium that shouldn’t be missed.
To register visit this website:
FOPL members are eligible for a discount.
May 11-12, 2015
Defining New Metrics for Library Success
All libraries are challenged to communicate their value in uncertain fiscal and changing environments. Our communities, boards, management and institutions are asking for stronger and better measurements of our impact and value to help them with decision making and prioritization.
- Are your measurement strategies up-to-date?
- Are you up-to-date on the latest in statistical profiles of libraries in Ontario and Canada?
- Are we measuring the community engagement and learning or just counting transactional stats?
- What’s the next step in measurement and what do we know about peer analyses now?
If these questions interest you and your team, then this is the symposium for you to explore new ways to think about measurement as well as to address our future challenges.
This symposium is about the various metrics and measures the library sector and discipline uses to manage what it is doing (its activities and individual services) and the value of what it is doing. These are very different measurement objectives and processes, yet complementary and vital. It discusses “measurement” in a broad sense, including the value of selected services as well as the overall management of processes and services. It is very important that people in the library sector are aware of different measures – – with different objectives. Who knows where new ideas will come from? All libraries can learn from each other.
This two-day event illustrates the breadth and depth of the challenge for stronger and better measurements of our impact and value:
- Explores opportunities for new value measurements
- Puts metrics into the context of libraries
- Shares exciting measurement programs already in place by pioneers
- Suggests areas for future endeavours
- Features leading edge thinkers and practitioners
Explore with your colleagues the opportunities and practices in both qualitative and quantitative measurements as well as best practices in visualization of data and communicating with our funders, management, councils and more.
Stephen Abram, Executive Director, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
Frank Cervone, Director, Information Technology, School of Public Health, University of Illinois
Jan Dawson, OCLS AskON
Jane Dysart, Senior Partner, Dysart & Jones
Carol French, CEO Market Probe Canada
Jason Griffey, Founder & Principal Consultant, Evenly Distributed LLC
Mohamed Hosseini-Ara, City of Markham Culture and Libraries Departments
Brendan Howley, social media expert
Richard Hulser, Chief Librarian and Curator, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (Skype)
Dr. Bill Irwin, Western University / Huron College
Rebecca Jones, Managing Partner, Dysart & Jones
Katie Legere, Queens University
Dr. Robert Molyneux, Lead Consultant on Ontario PL Statistics
Greg Notess, Faculty & Graduate Service Librarian, Montana State University & Publisher, Search Engine Showdown
Kim Silk, Special Projects Officer, Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)
Carl Thompson, Counting Opinions
Conference Co-Chairs:
· Jane Dysart, Senior Partner, Dysart & Jones
· Stephen Abram, Executive Director, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
Gold Sponsor
Counting Opinions
For sponsorship opportunities or a chance to demonstrate technology please contact: Jane Dysart,
University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, iSchool Institute
140 St George Street, 7th Floor, Toronto, ON (map)
Attendees had this to say about previous symposia:
“This symposium had some of the best overall content of any conference I’ve attended, including big ones like OLA, PLA, ALA, etc.”
“Enjoyed the mix of in person, multimedia, Skype.” “Great mix.” “The variety added to the ability to maintain attention – you got it right.”
“Choice of speakers was outstanding.” “They all excelled.”
“All speakers were on subject and brought experience and expertise. Good spotlight on the tools so we can make decisions about our own spaces.”
“All the speakers were inspiring and informative. This symposium make me think about creative making in a deeper way and gave me ideas about how libraries can be leaders in providing access to creative making spaces, instruction, events, etc. I loved Chattanooga PL’s 4th floor culture, the energy they put into their events. Fayetteville PL’s call for libraries to ‘just be relevant’ is also amazing – I believe that organizational culture eats planning for breakfast and it is inspirational to see how these libraries operate.”
“I really liked getting insight from organizations outside of libraries as well as libraries of different types – hearing about the successful things they are doing.”
To register visit this website: