Thinking of Going Fine Free?

Many libraries are eliminating fines... and people are noticing! Even Forbes. NYPL President Andrew W. Marx said in a statement that such fines, “are an antiquated, ineffective way to encourage patrons to return their books; for those who can afford the fines, they are barely an incentive. For those who can’t afford the fines— disproportionately low-income New Yorkers—they become a real barrier to access that we can no longer accept. This is a step towards a more equitable society,..." To read...

Impact of COVID on Book Borrowing

Interesting article from BookNet Canada. 40% of Canadians said that COVID impacted their book borrowing and book buying habits in 2020. This data is compared to similar data points collected in 2019. The results? Canadians want in-person libraries, and they visit predominantly to pick up their holds. However... online visits led to more checkouts per visit than in-person visits. Interesting! Click on the article for full details and more stats!  

Ontario Parks – Day-Use Permit Lending Program

A message from Ontario Parks: Ontario Parks is pleased to invite you to take part in our day use permit lending program. Last year we successfully expanded this initiative to more than 200 public libraries across Ontario. We are now accepting first-time applications and renewals for the 2022 season. We would like to thank all participating libraries for making this program a great success to date. In 2022, we will continue to supply all participating libraries with 3 commercial day use permits...

Message from CFLA regarding the Challenges Survey

This is a reminder to report challenges to library materials or programs to the CFLA-FCAB Challenge Survey found here.  Libraries are encouraged to enter unreported challenges from both earlier years and the present year.  The purpose of the survey is to gather data about the nature and outcomes of challenges to intellectual freedom initiated in publicly funded Canadian libraries (e.g., public, school, post-secondary, and government). Please submit one form per challenge incident.  Your...

Workplace Safety Plan Builder

To help businesses stay on top of health and safety guidance, the province has launched the new Workplace Safety Plan Builder, a free interactive tool making it easier for workplaces to create and update their COVID-19 safety plans. The tool was developed specifically to support small businesses and was designed with their input. The safety plan builder will lead employers through an easy process to create and update an online safety plan that is right for their workplace. It also allows for...

Empowering the Next Generation of Indigenous Female Leaders in Canada

Empowering the Next Generation of Indigenous Female Leaders in Canada October 6th, 2021 11:15am EDT - 1:15pm EDT October 4th  marks the National Day of Action for MMIWG, join the Economic Club of Canada on October 6th, 2021 as they showcase strong Indigenous female-identifying leaders and honor the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, whose lives have been cut short by violence. Gain a deeper understanding of how these Indigenous women are empowering a new generation of...

The Ontario Public Library Service Awards

DM Kevin Finnerty at the MHSTCI has advised that they will not hold the Ontario Public Library Service Awards in 2021. Please click the link below for a letter from DM Finnerty: Letter from DM Finnerty re PLSAs_2021-09-09  

StoryWalk Week!

Join the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services and Let’s Move in Libraries for a week-long event celebrating the inspiring work of libraries who spearhead StoryWalk® programs – promoting literacy, reading, health, exercise, and movement in communities and neighborhoods across the United States and the world. Submissions are open now and run through November 8, 2021. We invite submissions of all StoryWalk® programs and variations, including Story Strolls, Story Trails, PoetryWalks:...

Reopening Fund for Heritage Organizations

The Department of Canadian Heritage is pleased to inform you that The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) is now accepting applications for assistance with ongoing operating costs through the Reopening Fund for Heritage Organizations.  This assistance will help heritage organizations that have felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as they reopen and safely welcome back visitors. For full details on program eligibility and information on how to apply, please visit Reopening Fund for Heritage...