The Trudeau government’s plan to shepherd the economy safely past the COVID crisis includes its long-standing promise to make sure all parts of Canada have access to high-speed internet. BUSINESS Liberals to ‘accelerate’ spending of $1-billion fund for rural internet backbone

Liberals to ‘accelerate’ spending of $1-billion fund for rural internet backbone

Clarification of DC/CBC bylaw timelines

No additional regulations related to the Development Charges regime are anticipated at this time. As you recall, Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019, introduced changes to support a range and mix of housing options and boost housing supply, including creating the new community benefits charge. Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, brought forward a number of comprehensive measures to support municipalities in the recovery from COVID-19 and help restart Ontario’s...

SOLS / OLS-North Joint Announcement of HQ and CEO

La version française suit. Good Morning Colleagues, In early 2020, the OLS-North and SOLS Boards announced they would explore merging the two organizations. A joint committee was struck and, with the guidance of legal counsel, undertook a due diligence process to determine the feasibility of creating a single Ontario Library Service to serve public libraries across the province of Ontario. This committee found there were no financial or legal impediments to amalgamating the two organizations...

CBC: How COVID-19 worsens Canada’s digital divide

CBC: How COVID-19 worsens Canada's digital divide Pandemic has further highlighted urban-rural divide when it comes to internet connectivity      

The Government of Ontario has introduced motion #89 in the Legislature extending the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) by another year, until December 2021

ONCA update "The Government of Ontario has introduced motion #89 in the Legislature. This motion extends the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) by another year, until December 2021. This was necessary because legislation is automatically cancelled if it does not take effect in 10 years, and the ONCA was passed in 2010 so would be cancelled if it was not proclaimed by December 2020. We have been assured that the ONCA is still on track to be...

Canadian School Libraries board of directors released a statement on the role of school libraries during the pandemic

View this email in your browser The Role of School Libraries During the Pandemic On September 23, 2020, the Canadian School Libraries board of directors released a statement on the role of school libraries during the pandemic. The statement expresses concern about cuts to school libraries as the new school year begins, summarizes the contributions of school libraries to student learning, particularly during this time of crisis, and makes three recommendations to ministries of education and...