Free SirsiDynix Webinar: Leading with Gratitude – Part 1 Wondering how you can boost morale and better motivate your staff? Looking for ways to improve your effectiveness as a leader?

Leading with Gratitude - Part 1 Wondering how you can boost morale and better motivate your staff? Looking for ways to improve your effectiveness as a leader? Join SirsiDynix Chief Marketing Officer Eric Keith as he explores how to use gratitude as a method of engaging the hearts and minds of your employees and inspiring excellent work. Based on the book Leading with Gratitude by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, this webinar will offer effective communication skills that you can begin...

How to Find Every Orphan Page on Your Website

There can be good reasons for orphan pages on library websites, but a quick review is a good idea. How to Find Every Orphan Page on Your Website A page without any links to it is called an orphan page. Here's how to find all of your orphan pages and why fixing them is important for SEO.

Prime Minister announces support for Black entrepreneurs and business owners

Prime Minister announces support for Black entrepreneurs and business owners September 9, 2020 Toronto, Ontario "Every day, Black business owners and entrepreneurs make invaluable contributions to communities across the country, and their success is essential to Canada’s economic recovery and future prosperity. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated existing systemic barriers faced by Black entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized business owners in Canada. While we have made...

Employees’ Wellness Habits Are Changing

Did someone forward this issue of Library Worklife to you? Want your own issue sent directly to your in-box? Visit our subscription page. Employees' Wellness Habits Are Changing Before the pandemic, I walked at least forty minutes every day that I went into the office (20 minutes each way to and from the train station). No matter what the weather —rain or shine, snow or sleet— I walked. I have never been big on going to gyms, so walking was the one way that I was guaranteed to get in exercise...

Free Webinar Recording: An Empathetic Approach to Customer Service Training

An Empathetic Approach to Customer Service Training Customer Service This informative and interactive program addresses customer service training by growing and nurturing empathy and empowering staff to navigate the gray areas in our policies. Using storytelling and group discussion, we will look at special and challenging situations such as code of conduct violations and difficult patrons. Discover how...

OLA and OSLA are deeply concerned with the Toronto District School Board’s decision to repurpose all Elementary teacher-librarians.

Ontario Library Association The Ontario Library Association (OLA) and the Ontario School Libraries Association (OSLA) are deeply concerned with the Toronto District School Board’s decision to repurpose all Elementary teacher-librarians. TDSB’s decision to eliminate Elementary school teacher-librarians board-wide will have dramatic impacts on student learning and success. While we understand that access to virtual library resources may still be available, without the support of...

Top 23 online courses in Canada – June 2020

Top 23 online courses in Canada – June 2020 Discover the most popular courses for Canadian learners and see what learning opportunities are out there for you.