American Library Association reports record number of demands to censor library books and materials in 2022

Book Challenges Nearly Doubled From 2021 CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) today released new data documenting* 1,269 demands to censor library books and resources in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago. The unparalleled number of reported book challenges in 2022 nearly doubles the 729 challenges reported in 2021. A record 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship, a 38%...

You May Spot FOPL in the News!

The Federation of Ontario Public Libraries has received some attention that past few days as we make our pitch to the Ontario Government for a province wide Digital Public Library. The Canadian Press report by Allison Jones titled, “Libraries ask for Ontario-wide digital system to ensure equal access to materials” was published in 56 news outlets today, March 14th. Notable outlets that carried the story, ordered by highest potential media reach, are: CTV News Toronto Global News The Toronto...

February 2023

FOPL was granted a deputation to the Standing Committee of Economic Affairs and Finance on February 13th to compliment our Pre-Budget Submission to the Ministry of Finance. Our sector has had, in total, six deputations to the Standing Committee and/or the Minister of Finance combined this budget season. I’m so energized by the way our sector has really come together to support our goals! We have certainly made ourselves heard. A big thank you to everyone who took the time to apply and present...

CFLA and CFE to work together on library challenges database / Collaboration entre la FCAB et le CLE pour une base de données sur les défis des bibliothèques

Le français suit The Canadian Federation of Library Associations and the Centre for Free Expression are pleased to announce an agreement in principle to maintain a joint library challenges database. Libraries will be able to report and access information on intellectual freedom challenges and issues through a single CFLA/CFE portal. The two organizations look forward to signing a Memorandum of Understanding in the near future." For more information, contact: James L. Turk                     ...

Ontario First Nation Public Librarians are the recipients of Ontario Library Association’s 2023 President’s Award for Exceptional Achievement

“Ontario Library Association's President's Award for Exceptional Achievement acknowledges an outstanding action or contribution that has in a major or unique way enhanced or furthered librarianship in Ontario. The selection is at the full discretion of the President of the OLA. The award is only given if the achievement has a significant impact on the profession or the Association.” The award was presented by Sabrina Saunders, OLA President, and CEO of The Blue Mountains Public Library....

Board and Working Group Vacancies

The following positions available on our board that are currently vacant. Trustee positions are filled by member library board members. FOPL Board members are required to attend four annual board meetings plus two auxiliary meetings (for the audit approval and post AGM). Sitting on our working groups is voluntary. Board Vacancies, positions which no one currently sits: Large Urban Caucus Trustee Rural Caucus Trustee Small Medium Caucus Trustee Board Positions up for election, positions which...

FOPL in the News with CBC Sudbury!

FOPL was recently interviewed by CBC Sudbury to provide comment on the Public Library Operating Grant, the sector's largest funding envelope. FOPL was asked for comments after the Sudbury Public Library asked for an increase to their budget, a familiar position many of our libraries are in after soaring inflation rates and the post-pandemic echo. Read the full story here:

January 2023

FOPL and OLA continue to have conversations with Ministry staff and answer any questions they may have about the ODPL and the funding issues with public libraries on reserve, which have also been of great interest. We hope to meet again formally next month to follow up from our conversation in November. We have also continued to monitor developments with Bill 3, Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 and have sent a letter to the Toronto and Ottawa municipalities as the province proposes to...

2023 Annual General Meeting – First Notice

The Annual General Meeting for the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries will take place virtually via Zoom on Friday, APRIL 21, at 10:00am. Registration will begin at 9:30am so please be sure to log in prior to 10am so that you can be marked in attendance. The draft agenda and all supporting documents can be found on the website in the members section, It will be updated 30 days prior to the AGM. Only members in good standing are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM....