The following positions available on our board that are currently vacant. Trustee positions are filled by member library board members. FOPL Board members are required to attend four annual board meetings plus two auxiliary meetings (for the audit approval and post AGM). Sitting on our working groups is voluntary.
Board Vacancies, positions which no one currently sits:
Large Urban Caucus Trustee
Rural Caucus Trustee
Small Medium Caucus Trustee
Board Positions up for election, positions which currently have a board member serving:
First Nations Caucus CEO
Large Urban Caucus CEO
Northern Caucus CEO
We also have several vacancies on our working groups. These working groups are volunteer positions comprised of staff from our member libraries. They can be CEOs or staff put forward by the CEO.
Marketing and Communications Working Group
Volunteer members are needed with a background in marketing to help advise our strategic marketing plans and advocacy materials.
Two positions available.
French Translation Working Group
Volunteer members are needed to assist in creating French translation items and advise which advocacy materials should be provided in translation.
Two positions available.
Government Relations Working Group
Member CEOs are needed on this working group, preferably from small, medium or rural libraries. Volunteer members will advise on provincial budget and election strategies and support FOPL’s work with our government relations firm.
Three positions available.
For more detailed information about our working groups, please visit:
I would be interested in joining the Government Relations Working Group. West Perth Public Library serves a primarily rural community in southwestern Ontario.
Thanks very much for your consideration,
Rosemary Minnella
Head Librarian CEO
West Perth Public Library