Purpose: Strategic Planning of FOPL maintains the ability for the organization to think strategically and critically on achieving the pillars of the FOPL. This Working Group will be a key part of maintaining the Strategic Plan, operationalizing it, and ensuring FOPL is working towards it goals.
Mandate: This Standing Committee has the mandate to review the FOPL Strategic Plan on an annual basis and make a recommended fiscal work plan towards achieving the Strategic Plan. This Project Team will also be responsible for proposing updates, and drafting a new plan within the year of a Strategic Plan’s end.
Membership: The Board will appoint no less than three (3) members of the Board to sit as active members of this Working Group. The Board Chair will act as ex officio to the Working Group. The Executive Director will act as a staff resource. At the first meeting of the Working Group a Chair will be elected. The Term of Appointment began September 27, 2021 and will be reauthorized with each new Strategic Plan.
Members: The Working Group is comprised of Board Members and includes:
- Rebecca Hunt. CEO, Huntsville Public Library
- Julia Merritt. CEO, Stratford Public Library
- Sabrina Saunders. CEO, The Blue Mountains Public Library
- Alicia Subnaik Kilgour. CEO, Niagara Falls Public Library