Our Ministry has created a number of 2018 Ontario Public Library Statistics text (write-in) field reports for FOPL’s website and to share with (or inform) the public library sector.  Thank you to the Ministries Team!

Lots to review and digest here.

These include:   non-traditional circulating collections; catalogue systems (OPAC and ILS); reciprocal borrowing agreements; significant achievements; Ontario public libraries and government partnerships; Ontario public libraries capital projects in the next two years; Ontario public libraries capital projects beyond two years; Ontario public libraries technology needs; Ontario public libraries business and economic partnerships; measuring the results of library services; cultural partnerships; and education partnerships.

Here are the files:

  1. 2018 – H2.0 Measuring the Results of Library Services
  2. 2018 – H1.8.2.1 Ontario PLs Capital Projects beyond 2 years
  3. 2018 – H1.8.2 Ontario PLs Capital Projects in the next 2 years
  4. 2018 – H1.8.4 Ontario PLs Technology Needs
  5. 2018 – H1.9 Ontario PLs Economic & Business Sector Partnerships
  6. Culture Partnerships 2018 Survey
  7. Education Partnerships, 2018 Survey
  8. 2018 – H1.7 Ontario PLs and Government Services Partnerships
  9. 2018 – H1.6 Significant Achievements
  10. 2018 – H1.1.2 Reciprocal borrowing agreements
  11. 2018 – E2.2 Catalogue System (OPAC or ILS)
  12. 2018 – C6.1 Non-Traditional Collections