2016 Ontario Public Library Statistics – Significant Achievements as reported by public libraries in their Annual Survey of Public Libraries
2016 Ontario Public Library Statistics – Significant Achievements (1)
2016 Ontario Public Library Statistics – Significant Achievements as reported by public libraries in their Annual Survey of Public Libraries | |||
Significant Achievements noted in 2016 Annual Survey – Field H1.6.1 | ||
Ajax | Ajax Library received designation & endorsement by OCASI & PFLAG Durham as a Positive Space. Awarded Town of Ajax Accessibility Award. | ||
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan FN | The library has a handicap area which enables the patrons easy access to the library. The library also partners with the Killaloe Library every year to host the annual Authors visit. | ||
Alnwick/Haldimand Twp | 2016 was another successful year for fundraising; the third annual October fundraiser “Singing for Literacy” featured David Newland who spoke and played music promoting the North and Arctic regions of Canada. Many attendees said it was the best “singing for literacy” yet, as it not only entertained but also informed. The second Haunted Library event for Halloween attracted double last year’s attendance, and had several newspaper articles both before and after the event. Thanks to the Capacity Building Fund grant, four staff were able to attend the Ontario Library Association Conference and to bring back many new ideas and the enthusiasm that networking promotes! | ||
Armstrong Twp | More students from local primary school come to the library as their own library does not provide sufficient reading material. | ||
Arnprior | The library launched a community fundraising / awareness campaign to launch a music program in partnership with the local long term care facility. Enough money was raised to purchase 70 iPod Shuffles and load them with personalized playlists – one for each of the 60 residents at the nursing home; the remainder are in circulation to Hospice Renfrew and patrons who complete a survey for music selections and the library loads the devices for circulation. This initiative received national and international recognition as well as receiving the provincial Advantage Care Community Connection award in early 2017. The fundraising began in June 2016 (Seniors month) and was completed by October 2016. It has since expanded to include the Hospice and library patrons. | ||
Asphodel-Norwood | Fundraising – partnered with local Lions club to bring a fish fry and pub night/trivia to community. Interior painting completed at our Westwood branch | ||
Assiginack Twp | library expansion and renovation completed. | ||
Augusta Twp | Thanks to the addition of a library clerk to staff, we were able to offer new programs including seniors computer training, and were able to increase the library’s participation in social media. | ||
Aundeck-Omni-Kaning FN | relocated library service building, joined Joint Automated Server Initiative, new website | ||
Aurora | APL hired a computer science student as a Digital Literacy Assistant (intern) to develop & present programs on coding to children, teens and their guardians, as well as training modules for staff to improve core technological competencies as laid out by SOLS. | ||
Bancroft Town | We have had some successful fundraising, such as GuitarFest, the No Frills BBQ, and from soliciting donations, so we’ve been able to buy updated technology for the library. We have been pushing the Municipality for a new, accessible library space and we appear to be making some progress. In 2016 we introduced a local author/poet collection, a Seed Library, a video game section, and a world music collection. The CEO began a speaking tour with a nearby library, educating other libraries/librarians about the importance of Outcome-based Planning & Evaluation as a model for optimizing program and service design. | ||
Barrie | New program and space – Tinker Lab run by summer students initially and simple tech/robotics equipment and 3D printer. Annual Dragon Boat festival which generates funds for many different community charities run with the assistance of hundreds of volunteers. Major renovation to the Downtown branch for a new elevator which shut down the Downtown Library for a week. | ||
Bkejwanong FN | I now have budding partnerships with local artists plus some from the Windsor cultural arena. Achievements include roof replacement; furnace replacement; Natural gas line installed; continuation of interior beautification, application for a TD Summer Reading Program award; sent submission to present at OLA Superconference 2017; built a strong Library Committee, recruited many new volunteers. | ||
Blind River | New steps at front entrance to the library and new lighting outside building front and back. | ||
Bonfield | updated integrated system to JASI from Winnebego Spectrum | ||
Bonnechere Union | We began lending books through Illo for the first time in Oct 2016. We participated in the Winter Parade in Eganville for the first time and won a prize from the Legion for the best themed float for a Storybook Christmas. We increased programming and were more responsive to requests from the public. We began partnering with many more community organizations for workshops, funding opportunities and educational offerings. We began work on a new strategic plan which we hope to have completed early in 2017 to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our community. Surveys and environmental scans, swot analysis will all be evaluated and measured outcomes will be stated in the final plan. | ||
Bradford West Gwillimbury Town | Introduced new French language programs and new evening storytime for commuters. Major upgrade for Local History Archive Database | ||
Brampton | After significant community consultation, we completed a new 5 year Strategic Plan that updated our mission, vision, values and set aspiration goals for the next 5 years. Additionally, we undertook a branding initiative that has resulted in a new visual identity and logo for the library. We continue to develop new outcome measurements for core programs based on based on PLA’s Project Outcomes initiative. | ||
Brant County | We launched an online chat service using a 3rd party company. Very well received and used by the public. Basically supplements staff during open hours by relieving staff of those quick reference calls. Extends our services well after the library buildings are closed. Writer-in-residence 12 month program launched in June 2016. Over 200 participants. | ||
Brantford | – Community Needs Assessment completed – More than 1,600 3D Print Jobs completed – More than 7,000 people reached through external outreach – Increased adult programming attracted more than 4,000 participants | ||
Brighton Public Library Board | We have upgraded our ILS system from Mandarin to WorkFlows. This provides patrons with a more user friendly interface for conducting online services and searches, as well as, offering the ability to place holds on ‘On Order’ items. It also provides staff with an improved system from which to provide service. We won the Ministers Award for Innovation for small libraries in 2016 for our Tech Help One on One Program. We completed our second year of Pop Up library community outreach during the summer. Getting library services out to the community in unexpected places such as grocery stores and soccer fields. | ||
Britt Area | Senior outreach | ||
Brock Twp | Baby Bounce program; Seed Library – developed in partnership with Nourish and Develop Foundation; Author Visits; expanded Write This Way contest to include Gr 7/8 students | ||
Brockville | The Rotary Family Room: a complete makeover of the children’s area completed through funding from the Rotary Club, City of Brockville and many private donations. Launch of the My Giving Library – an annual development program; joint Board and staff committee. Re-accreditation following the Ontario Public Library Guidelines. Unique and successful fundraising events including Paint Nights and an Escape Room. L&G Libraries MAPsack project and Water Bottle Filling Station through Healthy Kids in Our Communities grants. Mobile printing service. Library Boutique planning through an Earning Capacity Grant with a joint Board and staff committee. | ||
Bruce County | We launched a conversion station which converts VHS, vinyl, CDs to digital. Equipment purchased with OLCF grant. Reno to our Lion’s Head branch – new paint, furniture, shelving and layout. New tech and STEM programs with robotics and micro computing kits. | ||
Burk’s Falls, Armour & Ryerson Union | Library staff with a Board committee revised and updated the Board Policies. 2016 presented an opportunity to be more involved in the community activities:Katrine Winter Karnival,Canada Day Celebrations,Heritage Day with Historical Society, McMurrich/Monteith 125th Anniversary. -We also introduced a variety of workshops that were immensely appreciated in the community such as Victim Awareness Week Presentation and Making Your Money Matter Workshop. | ||
Burlington | 1. Fibre upgrade project significantly improving bandwidth at all branch locations. 2. Integrated service desks at 3 branches. 3. Opening of Ideaworks – our Makerspace at the Central Branch. Partnered with Art House, Burlington Handweavers and Spinners Guild, ETAG, M3 Maker Group and McMaster University Children and Youth coding workshops. | ||
Caledon | Caledon Public Library completed two significant planning efforts during 2016. A comprehensive Service/Facility Review and Master Plan was completed and will direct our capital efforts over the next 15 + years. A four-year strategic plan was also created and will direct our operations from 2017-2020. | ||
Callander | The Library raised $81,000 for a new library by offering special events such as an Outdoor Adventure Day, which started with a Walk/Run at our Cranberry Marsh trail, a dinner, silent and live auction, and special guests at the dinner were Hap Wilson adventurer, author and artist and Isabelle Suave who walked across the Sahara Desert. We raised $26,000 at this event. Council agreed to post a request for proposal to hire an architect. One Board member and the CEO were chosen to sit on the Building Design Committee along with the municipal CAO and a Council member. | ||
Cambridge | We added a discovery layer to our web searching (Encore) which has greatly improved our members’ ability to interact with our data. We remodeled our branch locations to provide better use of space and to give more flexibility for that space. We rolled out Shopify to allow for easy online registrations. We expanded our Children’s Services department (0-12) to be the Youth Services department (0-16) to further develop Teen programming. We purchased materials and trained staff on a whole new collection of STEAM materials for use programming. And we added wireless device printing from any type of device and remotely. As one member put it “I am a frequent visitor of libraries…but the creativity and programs that I find in Cambridge, I have never come across.” | ||
Carleton Place | -New Strategic Plan created -Angus Mowat Award (small library category) | ||
Carlow/Mayo Public Library | Upgraded Public Access Workstation, Large book sale (fundraising) | ||
Casselman | Vente de livres usagés, club de lecture pour aînés. | ||
Cavan Monaghan Public Library Board, Township of | Pilot project of Co-Ordinator of Outreach, Programming and Partnerships has allowed us to investigate new activities in the community, to collaborate with other organizations and start to create a database of information about other organizations. We are attempting to provide unique services – not duplications. | ||
Centre Hastings | The library re-branded this year, creating a new logo and website. The logo, which features a tree of knowledge with a globe and the tagline “Local Roots – Global Access”, represents libraries as they are today: providing local information and friendly service, while allowing access to a wealth of information across the globe via the internet. Both feature an updated, modern look, and the website exceeds current accessibility standards. | ||
Champlain Twp | We are reaching out to seniors’ organizations, providing more programming geared to adults and seniors and are attending various public events for adults. | ||
Chapleau Twp | We started an outreach program to read to the seniors in extended care once a week. | ||
Chatham-Kent | Online fundraising program continues. Partnership with Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit continued – walking / reading programs offered Updated Wi-Fi speed • Superkids CK • CK Gift Shop • Purses with a purpose fund raiser • System-wide Adult Summer and Winter Reading Programs were continued for a 5th year in 2016 • Human Library – for 2nd year • Strategic Plan 2016-2020 completed • New furniture / equipment from OEYC centres that closed (die cuts, etc) • Renovations / revitalization to Blenheim Branch | ||
Chippewas of Georgina Island FN | Celebrated our 30th year in operation on September 6, 2017 | ||
Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point FN | Fundraising initiatives have increased, resulting in higher visibility of the public library. Partnerships within the community enabled us to promote the library programs and services, with higher attendance being the result. Encouragement of families to visit the library regularly has had a positive effect. Continued work with the seniors led to more visits to the library by this group of community members. Seasonal cottagers also use the library more than in past years. Our small makerspace items get a fair bit of use e.g. the sewing machines are used weekly now by a group of women who enjoy the social time together. | ||
Chippewas of Rama FN | Partnership with Huronia Cultural Camps. | ||
Chippewas of the Thames FN | Youth programming has been a success in this last year. Girl power has been a hit with the boys requesting programming which starts in November. Youth in the community look forward to the programs. | ||
Clarence-Rockland | Our Library continues to increase programming and our presence in the community. Our TD Summer Reading program continues to be very successful | ||
Clarington, Municipality of | In partnership with Google Canada, Community Innovation Lab, NEET Youth Incubator, and the Government of Ontario, the Library hosted the Youth Ideas Jam. This program was designed to encourage youth and young adults to bring a business idea, community project, or app development to the program in order to network with other young entrepreneurs and learn more about proven business methods. In partnership with Markham Stouffville Hospital, the Clarington Library hosted the Infant Hearing Clinic. This service provides infant hearing screens for children 4 months or younger. | ||
Clearview Twp | We provide space for Early Years programming as well as conduct joint programming with OEY, we participate with area school boards including private schools, to provide programming, co-op work placements, we provide internet assistance for distance education, we proctor community college and university exams. | ||
Cobourg | We partnered with our local Rotary Club to create 4 additional pop-up libraries throughout our community.We re-negotiated our library contract with Hamilton Township with great success.We also managed to get a regular library column in our local newspaper (written by library staff).We created a new partnership opportunity with Villa St.Joseph and created a seed library in our main branch and also 1 rural branch. | ||
Cochrane Public Library Board | Well, it was a year ago but we were recognized by OLS-North with an award for Engagement and Collaboration with our Senior Outreach Program. We started a new partnership with a New community Networking Group which connects all community organizations to share what each organization does and how we can help each other get our messages out. Our Skills Sharing programs are on the rise and becoming very successful with people in the community coming forward with skills to share with others. | ||
Collingwood | The Library Board, after community consultation, launched a new four-year Strategic Plan. Several projects arose from the process including the creation of an Older Adults’ Advisory Council. We began the re organization of the reference area to provide more quiet study space. Library fines & fees were reduced by half. A very successful library card drive as an advocacy exercise was run. Other highlights included, as a partner, securing a grant to fund the Simcoe County Libraries Immigrant Hub Project and running our first annual technology fair. 2016 marked the twenty-second annual Magic of Children in the Arts Festival. Festival organizer & library volunteer was awarded the prestigious Collingwood Arts and culture Award in recognition of her many years of service promoting art education for children. The Collingwood Writers’ Collective celebrated its 3rd year launching an anthology at the first ever Literary Coffee House. Library general program attendance was up more than 45% | ||
Cornwall | Capital Building renovation – roof was resurfaced to stop leaks. Programs – increased number of programs offered in 2016 by 25% and saw a 40% increase in attendance over previous year. New Programs 2016 – Crochet for Kids, Family Day Storywalk, March Break Minecraft themed programs. More emphasis on gaming and social media events i.e. Pokémon Go themed programs, attended Cosplay convention (CoTiCon),circulating video game collection very popular (2015-16 OLCF grant); introduced STEM based evening “Lab” programs for kids, increased emphasis on Teen programs successfully engaged more Teens i.e. Sorbet (graphic Novel Book Club), Teen Trivia nights, Dungeons and Dragons nights. | ||
Cramahe Twp | I think the project which has had the most impact on our community in 2016 has been the Link Cramahe project – please go to www.linkcramahe.ca to see what it is all about. However our music inter-generational music program has taken off and they are being invited to perform locally at various events. | ||
Curve Lake FN | Year 3 of of working with the elementary school is still a huge success, The library continues to provide reading challenges, with awards. Some children’s programming was well attended. | ||
Dokis FN | The library is involved with the new Museum, supplying information, and archival information. Getting involved more with maker-space and gaming (P.C., game consoles). Upgrade to 10MBS internet connection. | ||
Dorion Twp | Preparing for librarian retirement after 41 years | ||
Douro-Dummer Twp | We went live with JASI, hosted Italian language classes, and had a significant increase in those that attended our Coffee House nights. | ||
Dryden | – Completed a new 2016-2019 Strategic Plan – Created new vision statement/tagline for the Library – New programming including: Wii-U drop-in, Family Movies, Pinterest Test Lab, Outdoor Story Hour – Celebrated the 50th anniversary of our Library facility – Purchased and installed a new microfilm reader – Expanded the Large Print and Audio collections through grant funding from the Moffat Family Fund. – Launched e-mail newsletter and improved online/social media promotions – Continued full policy manual audit and policy revisions – Hosted an event with Science North with help from community sponsors and organizations – Launched major fundraising project for Shelving Replacement project – Significant increase in programming statistics – Held first robotics/maker themed programs – Worked on Return on Investment project through OLCF pilot project with OLS-N | ||
Ear Falls Twp | We promote our walking group to provide a safe and climate controlled environment for seniors, those with disabilities and those recovering from surgery to safely walk. The Northwestern Health Unit donated a fruit basket to be drawn among our participants of the group. | ||
East Ferris | Received a Trillum grant to upgrade computer hardware and software. Hired a Library Program Coordinator. | ||
East Gwillimbury | Renovated library space, commenced building a new website, launched hotspot lending program, staff re-organization, New partnership to launch Food Pantry at Holland Landing branch, started storytime programs at Blue Door Family Shelter. New reciprocal borrowing agreement with Aurora Public Library. | ||
Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Twp | Upgraded one entire library space to be more accessible and open, including a new customer service desk. Launched a new service to provide outreach programming to the community. | ||
Elgin County | A major expansion and renovations were completed at Belmont Library in 2016. Accessibility renovations were completed at Straffordville and Port Burwell in December 2016. | ||
Elizabethtown – Kitley | Added the Aquatarium passes for Brockville to allow families to discover the history of the 1000 Islands area. Continued outreach to Home Schoolers and seniors. | ||
Englehart | created more hands on maker spaces to engage community youth in a safe and educational environment, we offer passport and firearms possession photos on a weekly basis so our patrons and community don’t have to drive a half hour out of town in inclement weather to have them done at a higher cost elsewhere. Community Youth can get their hunting license in town instead of having parents drive the to centers out of town. | ||
Espanola | New incoming CEO, new integrated catalogue system (JASI) migration from Winnebago Spectrum, Collaborative Partnering to implement / present Seniors technology programming | ||
Essa | 2017 marks the 50th Anniversary of EPL. We are continuing to nurture a Farmers’ Market outside the main branch to support Food Literacy. | ||
Fort Erie | We have implemented a number of new library programs, especially for kids and teens. | ||
Fort Frances | We began many new programs and services in 2016 including; Pokemon League, Tackleshare, Minecraft in the Library, Lego Club, Teen Videogame Play Centre, Lego Club, Blue Spruce Celebrity Story Time, Adult Graphic Novel Collection, Seed Library, Dad to Fab Sewing Bee, Yoga in the Library, Adult Craft, Ballroom Dance Lessons, and our Community Chat Room. We continued to expand our partnerships with community organizations, including taking the lead on planning a number of community events. | ||
French River | We continue to work with existing partnerships and forming new ones to aid us in all our programming costs and delivery. This continues to build our membership and usage of our library | ||
Gananoque | Started renovation of library | ||
Garden River FN | We have been successful in acquiring a 3D Printer and have been enjoying providing services to a new genre of people. | ||
Georgian Bay Twp | With a CAP grant the library was able to purchase Mobile Print software so that customers can print from their devices. | ||
Georgina | FanFest event attracted 1000+ people of all ages… | ||
Grand Valley Library Board | Digitized four local Tweedsmuir Histories of our area. Also digitized “One hundred years along the Upper Grand” a history of East Luther Township. These have all been made accessible from the Library website “www.grandvalley.org” and are hosted by Our Digital World. | ||
Gravenhurst Public Library | – Continued to grow relationships with local schools and other organizations that focus on and support young adults – 317 income tax returns were filed at clinics held in March and April in partnership with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program – offered new genealogy and new gardening workshops in conjunction with local experts – installed new picture hanging system in the library’s Stairwell Art Galley – in order to meet a growing demand for self-guided activities that appeal to adults a new collection of jigsaw puzzles was introduced – hosted a library volunteer appreciation event – attended the Annual Institute for the Library as Place – hosted several Culture Days activities – a new Discovery Series based on STEAM principles was established for pre-school children – the new position of Collections and Digital Literacy Librarian was created and filled – hired LGA Architectural Partners and Lighthouse Consulting to complete a facility/site study | ||
Greater Madawaska Twp | In 2016 we started a new program called Parent-Child Drop-in. This is a program for parents to drop into the library when the Public Health Nurse visits twice a month to discuss their child’s development, get the infant weighed and measured. The program has been well received. In December 2016 we had the largest donations ever of mittens, hats and scarves donated to our Children’s Mitten Tree program that provides outerwear for families serviced by the local food bank. | ||
Greater Sudbury | – Formalized partnership with Art Gallery of Sudbury to conduct feasibility study on the co-location of a new Main Library and Art Gallery – Planned and delivered large-scale Graphic Con event–Northern Ontario’s largest pop-culture convention–attracting approximately 4,000 participants – | ||
Grey Highlands | Officially launched Cultural Channel in partnership with Museum and local cable t.v.The Grey Highlands Cultural Channel promotes and celebrates cultural organizations, activities throughout Grey Highlands through short video promotions/highlights and special posters. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvhVGIRWDZPd6ZHy9pha3xg | ||
Grimsby | Launched the 2016-2020 Grimsby Public Library Strategic Plan 15th season of the Grimsby Author Series Go Wild – funding grant from World Wildlife Fund to offer Go Wild all day community programming and participatory activities in partnership with Grimsby Public Art Gallery | ||
Haldimand County | Achieved provincial accreditation for all 6 branches; Awarded contract for 3,600 square-foot addition and renovations to Dunnville branch; Site selected for construction of new Cayuga Branch (2018); increased hours of operation (12 hours) at Caledonia branch with no increase in staffing budget; joined OLC; received Canada 150 grant for renovations at Jarvis Branch | ||
Haliburton County | Late in the year we ran a well attended “Try it Fair”. | ||
Halton Hills | Sustainable Library cards launched. Cards are made from 100% birch harvested from sustainably managed forests) OnStage Family Performance Series Fostering New Partnerships (HalTech, University of Guelph, Halton Hills Fire Department and Peel Scale Modelers) Canadians in Chengdu Photographic Exhibit University of Guelph lecture series Charging Stations made available at each branch Introduced Meescan App to facilitate the check out of materials using an app. Offered new programming; Poetry Workshop and Ancestry program Received grant for New Horizons for Seniors program | ||
Hanover | Gala Fundraiser in partnership with the local Artists Cooperative – bringing library supporters, artists, and area dignitaries together in a very successful joint fundraiser and art show. | ||
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Twp | We are continuing to build our genealogy/local history centre adding resources purchased through the Ontario Libraries Capacity Fund Grant. | ||
Hawkesbury | Après plusieurs demandent de financement pour changer notre comptoir de services auprès de différents organisme nous avons finalement réussi et les changements seront effectués en 2017. Plus d’enseignants des écoles municipales ont recours aux services de la bibliothèque. | ||
Hearst Twp | New children kits for loan (fishing & insect backyard safari) | ||
Hilton Union | Continued to run an IT drop in for 4 months of the year with it expanding into 2017. We had several fundraisers for building improvements with our Victorian Tea, a concert, and a Christmas Luncheon. | ||
Hornepayne Twp | We have created a much greater community awareness of the services our library has to offer. We have reached community members that we have not reached in the past. We are especially proud of our increase in programs offered at the library and/or within the community. We have had positive feedback and feel we are achieving our goal of bringing our community together. As a result of our programs offered, we have also formed/maintained many community partnerships. These partnerships include; Holy Name of Jesus Catholic School, Hornepayne Elementary & Secondary School, Porcupine Health Unit, Community Living Algoma, Hornepayne Best Start Hub, The Three Bears Day Care, Kunuwanimano Child & Family Services, Northern Credit Union, Hornepayne Economic Development Corporation, Hornepayne Fire Department, Hornepayne Ontario Provincial Police Department, Township of Hornepayne & Kid’s Sport. | ||
Huntsville | On June 30, 2016 the Library held the Official Launch of the Annex and the 2016 TD Summer Reading Club in the new space that had recently completed renovation; the Mayor and Councillors attended along with over 200 community members. Other new programs that have been successful are Crafternoons and Tween/Teen Chess Club. New programs include | ||
Huron County | Significant new kinds of programs within the library has brought about increased interest in library programming; 2017 will see the refurbishment of one of our library branches. | ||
Huron Shores | new furnace | ||
Ignace | In 2016, we refurbished an office into a youth makerspace. OLCF was used to purchase Lego, board games and tablets to be used by children in the community. Also, the funding allowed for a new gaming system and games to be used for better children’s programs. | ||
Innisfil | The Library served as the venue for the ‘Spirit of Our Community Dinner & Auction’, which was attended by over 200 key community stakeholders, who helped to raise funds for the Community Grant Programme. A CNC printer was added to the HackLAB. The Children’s Area in the Lakeshore Branch was significantly enhanced by the application of imaginative vinyl graphics. The Library was re-accredited in November. The Library and the Town are working together on a ‘Community Engagement Strategy’ and developing a new partnership through cross-functional teams. | ||
Iskatewizaagegan No. 39 FN | Our library has a new extension, that was funded from the first nation education program. It is a comfortable reading room area. Our recording studio equipment is available to our members. New and updated resources within our library program is available. | ||
Kapuskasing | The Friends of the Library Committee are always participating and promoting the library through books/magazines distribution programs and sourcing sponsors to support ongoing activities. The library was a pickup location for the Annual Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Program that collects gift-filled shoeboxes. Great visibility and circulation in the Library! In partnership with the Art Class of Kash-Kap School,where students submitted their paintings for us to choose from. This initiative was taken to recognize the heritage of our First Nations community and to celebrate National Aboriginal Day. Our in house posters continue to be popular. Promotion of our services is done regularly on our Facebook page. | ||
Kawartha Lakes, City of | Activities in 2016 largely focused on reviewing and re-organizing library services to the Municipality. After conducting a review of all branches, the Cambray and Burnt River branches were closed. Staff resources and collections were re-distributed to other nearby branches. Staff time was re-allocated to conduct more outreach programs and promotional activities. | ||
Kenora City | 1. In 2016 we started an Inter-generational Storytime at the local nursing home where seniors in care, prepared ahead of time to read to a larger group of children and residents and then together do a craft. We started in the summer with inviting the general public and then partnered with neighbouring schools to carry on through the fall and winter, as the summer pilot program was so successful. 2. We also did a pilot Storywalk on a Farmers Market Day, in hopes of bringing a family element to the summer attraction. It was a success and we have since applied for a grant to prepare more that we will use as value add to Market Day. We plan to use the larger Storywalks for our Inter-generational Storytime too. | ||
Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards Twp | In 2016, we installed new shelving in our children’s area, greatly improving the usability of the space. We worked with the local Friends of the Library group to launch the inaugural Killaloe Kids Bookfest, featuring five award-winning Canadian children’s authors. As well we introduced new monthly adult programming – Open Book Night. | ||
King Twp | Feasibility Study for Schomberg reno project; design and engineering work for King City reno & expansion; updated ILS to incorporate digital resources; initiated Organizational Review | ||
Kingston-Frontenac County | The newly constructed Parham Branch opened in May. | ||
Kitchener | new Guest Library program (http://www.kpl.org/guestlibrarian) introduced virtual reality experience for library users in Studio Central at our Central Library (http://www.kpl.org/virtualreality) | ||
La Nation | Nation Municipality Public Library held the Official Opening at the new renovated location in the St Albert Community Centre on Thursday February 18th, 2016. Representatives from municipality,Library Board and local media were present and over 100 community members to celebrate the event. A lot of adjusting and extras were done after the opening so the library could operate at maximum capacity. We then concentrated on the renovation and moving of the St Isidore Branch to former Scotia Bank DONATED building. The legal transactions were completed. Keys received on Friday October 8th, 2016. Renovations began and the moving of the branch took place in mid December 2016. We reopened to the public at the new location on main street on Monday January 19th 2017. | ||
Lake of Bays Twp | We used our capacity grant to re-build our website, making it accessible and easy to navigate to engage our community, both locally and globally. We now have increased visits to our page and visitors are commenting that it’s much easier to find information about our programming and services. We also used funds to purchase S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) and Makerspace items to use in programming. The response to this type of program has been overwhelming. Kids and adults have been attending and requesting these items repeatedly. We will continue to offer this type of programming and add to it in the future. | ||
Lambton County | Two new e-platforms were added (PressReader and Freegal), significantly enhancing eresources collections. Both platforms are very popular with patrons in the County who have downloaded over 23000 issues of periodicals and magazines and streamed over 23200 songs. The IdeaLab has been successful in introducing and engaging new,diverse audiences to library services throughout partnership with many groups within the community | ||
Larder Lake Public Library | We have started a adult game night, which has been successful. The Library promoted a book launch for a local author which was very well attended. We continue with our “gardening program” for children. We continue to bring in new/different free events during the summer such as magic shows, science programs or animal shows. The Annual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale is a large community event starting off the Christmas celebrates/events in the community. The funding from the Ontario Capacity Fund grants has greatly improved our resources and equipment in our Library. We updated areas of our collections last year..one such area was our large print section; with an aging population there were more requests for large print books. We continue being the only free WiFi site in our community. | ||
Laurentian Hills | Last year saw us be nominated for the Angus Mowat award for all the upgrades and improved programing at chalk river. this included an el;ectronics face lift for the Chalk River branch, new service desk, excellent programing for all ages at the chalk river branch which has increased its viability and presence in the community. | ||
Leeds and the Thousand Islands Twp | In 2016 the library met the requirements to achieve re-accreditation. The library completed it’s five year strategic plan. The library instituted new programs such as drone flying lessons and egg drop. The library continued to grow and enhance it;s recreation library with new equipment. The library created a new user friendly webpage. | ||
Lennox and Addington County | – Launched a new website – Launched Hoopla Digital streaming service – Started a Museum Pass Collection – Updated and expanded operating hours in three branches – New programming initiatives include: “Art in the Library” (rotating library art display and corresponding events), “Library After Dark” (monthly teen night), “Storytime at the Market” (farmer’s market outreach), and “Ancestry & Beyond” (genealogy workshops). | ||
Lincoln | Programming partnership with local hospice. Speakers series. | ||
London | Infinite Possibilities Fund Development Campaign For Central Project Launched ($1m goal). Central Library Renovation Project (189,000 sq ft) started in 2016; to be completed 2017. Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan completed. Phased Implementation of LPL Energy Audit & Facility Renewal Service Energy Plan (replacement of HVAC and roofs at several locations). Beacock Branch Renovation. Several new accessible services desks designed and installed. LPL entered into a comprehensive fleet management agreement with the City of London. Indigenous Services Team established. Staff member appointed to T&R Committee of CFLA/FCAB. Connect Cards (easy access cards for vulnerable populations)introduced. Introduced iPads to replace children’s early learning workstations; introduced Apple iTouch for staff for mobile service delivery. Construction commenced for new branch in shared multi-purpose facility (City of London, YMCA, London Public Library). | ||
M’Chigeeng FN | Full collection catalogued in JASI System Makerspace – very popular – highlighted by annual community Art Show New Literature – Women’s issues, gender equality, social justice, and equity issues. | ||
Madawaska Valley Twp | In 2016 the library did a much needed renovation to the main floor of the library. The renovation created better site lines improving things from a security perspective. It also created better space options for patrons; two small seating areas for reading, study or use of personal devices. A new circulation area allows for better work flow and service to patrons. | ||
Magnetawan FN | Education Department donated 2 computers to Library; used to have 4 computers, now have 6 that provide internet access for more people to use | ||
Magnetawan Twp | Senior tablet/IPad training | ||
Manitouwadge | We have worked over the 2016 survey year to increase our library programming and visibility in the community. We have started a library book club that has received interest and we look forward to seeing it grow as we continue. We introduced two new programs in our community to connect families with reading and to teach them that reading happens everywhere – one was to offer Library in the Park days during our summer programming and the second was to introduce Story Book Walks which have been very popular. We have also worked to partner with the community as they offer different events through out the year, including Common Registration Night which allows organizations to promote their activities and services and to recruit volunteers. We reintroduced the TD Summer Reading Program to our community this year with great success and over the summer our patrons read 644 books!! | ||
Marathon | purchased a 3D Printer, strategic plan complete, new programs offered | ||
Markham | Won the Minister’s Award for Innovation (Large Libraries Category) from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport 2013 for the Customer Service Revolution. 2. Hosted Markham’s first Digital Artist in Residence, advancing digital literacy in Markham. 3. Completed the Library Content Strategy 2013 a roadmap for the future of library content delivery, based on community consultation. 4. Conducted a cross-Canada Library Space Study (with Brampton and Calgary Public Libraries) to optimize the programming of library space to maximize usage and resident satisfaction. 5. Hosted Markham’s first celebration of Science Literacy Week %u2013 a week-long blitz of science-based activities for all ages. | ||
Markstay-Warren | Wifi now available in our 2nd location. Partnering with local school to provide accessible resources to students requiring them. | ||
Marmora and Lake Twp | New flooring throughout the library with reorganization of shelves to create a more open and accessible space. | ||
Mattawa | We have a after-school club. Every Tuesday afte-school. WE also have a movie night every Friday nights from 5.30 till 8. I get my students to work Friday nights. We offer free popcorn and juice. | ||
McKellar Twp | This year we have gone out more into the community. We went and sold books at the McKellar Market in July and August for the first time this year. We had more kids events at the library. We hosted Dinosaur Days at the library and help host the Teddy Bear Night at the Museum and the Library. We also went into partnership with local artists and authors to sell their art and music. For example we are selling the book called Manitouwabing Lake by Larry Kilian and music by Glen Hubert for a share of the profits. | ||
Meaford | – Became the 7th member in the Saugeen Consortium as we joined and implemented a new ILS (Koha) – In conjunction with the Municipality, began working through the quest for an accessible facility: secured an RFP with LGA Consultants to work on a Facility Condition Assessment and Space Planning for existing location with administration building. Project moved to research another municipally owned location at 390 Sykes and we are still working through the planning stages. | ||
Merrickville-Wolford | revamped website (with OLCF funding) started a community engagement project new youth programming: summer theatre, new STEM programs, new series of art technique workshops introduced new STEM programming for youth new series of art workshops for youth | ||
Michipicoten FN | New library programs- cultural teachings, networking, training Youth Council group Michipicoten Artifact project | ||
Middlesex County Library | We completed a significant renovation on our Dorchester Branch, doubling the size of the library. The expansion includes office space for community service providers to use, as well as a programming room which can be booked by community and non-profit organizations. The Library also continued our participation in the Healthy Kids Community Challenge project, funded through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Funding for this project continues until 2018. | ||
Midland | We continued to upgrade our website for usability and included new programs for all ages, business development and started plans for a Makerspace. | ||
Milton | One Book, One Milton continues to be a hugely successful initiative with Margaret Atwood being 1026’s chosen author; MPL implemented Magnusmode and Brainfuse, second only to TPL in Ontario; these apps support independence of use among patrons with cognitive special needs and provide live tutor support for students in Grades 1-12, respectively. MPL also upgraded its 3D Printer from a mini printer through kickstarter, to a Makerbot. Planning and development for MPL’s 3rd library also commenced in 2016. | ||
Mississauga | Meadowvale Library re-opened in September 2016. Central Library hosted the Mississauga Comic Expo. Woodlands Library was nominated for the OLA’s Library Building Award. Expanded our Maker programming in 2016, adding 837 additional programs and 12,578 additional attendees | ||
Mississauga FN | Created new Network with the Main Band Office. | ||
Mississippi Mills | Canada 150 grant for renovation and expansion of the Pakenham Branch, expected completion Nov’17 | ||
Mohawks of Akwesasne FN | The Akwesasne Cultural Center celebrated its 45th year of service to the community in 2016. | ||
Moonbeam Twp | Nous offrons maintenant une activité avec les legos à chaque semaine. | ||
Muskoka Lakes Twp | We have had great success this year in further growing our goal of increased usage of the library as a meeting place for all ages for programming but also as a community hub where community organizations/service clubs use our meeting rooms. | ||
Naotkamegwanning FN | Updated Automation system, public library week was a success in community, elders have reached out to library staff wanting future technology programming to help them learn computers. | ||
New Tecumseth | Resolution RE: Pam Kirkpatrick Branch Library in Tottenham (to replace existing branch) Hiring Branch Manager G. Peters 18 April 2016 Redeployment of Staff Resources Plan for Organizational Change Action Plan for Respectful Workplace Report Proposed Tottenham Branch Library Space Calculation presentation to Board One Book One New Tecumseth Author Reading Event | ||
Newmarket | Self-service printing/copying system, green screen, 2nd 3D printer, Impact Survey, Open Sunday all year, public loan laptops outside library, Haunted Library, Robotics prgms. | ||
Niagara Falls | After 29 years of library service, Monika Seymour retired the summer of 2016. Alicia Subnaik Kilgour was hired as CEO/Chief Librarian the summer of 2016. The Victoria Branch received a big overhaul with the installation of a new HVAC System and new Service Desk. A Book Vending Machine (Novel Branch), was installed at the Gale Centre. | ||
Niagara-on-the-Lake | – Trillium Grant for interior renovation – Canada 150 Infrastructure Grant for interior renovation – Hosted National Aboriginal Day event | ||
Nipissing FN | Feb 2017: New internal partnership within Nipissing First Nation with Native Child Welfare department and NFN Recreation. Efforts have increased attendance and awareness of Library and library services. March 2017: New “Integrated Children’s Program” sees Library continuing to house Homework Club as well as participate in one day Recreation activities. Efforts are shared among 4 departments (3 above plus Education) within Nipissing First Nation. | ||
Norfolk County | •Approved a reduction in fines for children to .05 cents per book •Approved the implementation of a Community Partnership Card for teachers and community leaders •Approved the drawings for the Delhi Branch as presented by the Chamberlain Group and relocated our services during construction •Accepted the 6 strategic directions and actions that form the strategic plan entitled, “Framework for Growth” •Endorsed the Rockford Road of Heroes Project as presented by the Norfolk Remembers Committee, for approval by Norfolk County Council. •Supported a new budget initiative which is a full time position that will look after the public technology needs for NCPL. •Approved the creation of a Maker Space at the Simcoe Branch. Funds from the John Race Foundation will be used to cover the costs. | ||
North Grenville Twp | In August 2016 the Library partnered with the new French Public Elementary School in Kemptville. The school board pays for a collection of books and for 8 hours a week for a library technician to provide this service. The Library and School have worked very closely and there has been an increase in the French collection in the Library and the use of that collection. The school board is eager to share the resources with anyone in the community, which has been a very successful strategy. | ||
North Kawartha Twp | Our library established a seed library in each branch for the community to borrow, plant, harvest and return locally grown seed to the libraries to share. We also installed two new ipads in the children’s area on a special crayon kiosk. | ||
North Perth | Addition of a full-time Librarian responsible for support for our Digital Branch, social media, website and marketing. | ||
Oakville | Master Plan Refresh Fundraising Strategy Partnership with Oakville Centre for Performing Arts – In Conversation Series. Robust programming for all demographics.. | ||
Oliver Paipoonge | moved our main branch location. Introduced recreational programming such as pickleball and exercise classes, ran a pop-up seniors technology centre for 5 months | ||
Orangeville | The renovation of the third floor of our main Carnegie Building has been a major achievement of 2016. | ||
Orillia | The Library Board developed a new strategic plan. | ||
Oshawa | Renovation of the Children’s Department at the McLaughlin Branch including a new MakerSpace. Renovation of McLaughlin auditorium washroom and patio for AODA compliance | ||
Otonabee-South Monaghan Twp | We are just trying to continue providing the level of service our community expects. Hard to do with funding issues and tech issues. | ||
Ottawa | OPL conducted its first-ever study to measure the economic benefits of its services. The “Economic Benefits Report” showed that Ottawans receive $5.17 in benefits for every $1 invested in the library system. OPL launched its exciting à la carte project in 2016 to introduce food literacy and position the Library as a community resource and partner for accessible food-related information and programming. Facilities Framework The OPL Board-approved “Facilities Investment and Growth Planning Framework” was completed in September 2016 and presents a road map for managing OPL’s facility assets. Stittsville branch closed for RFID conversion. Beaverbrook branch was awarded with Silver LEED (Leadership in Energy Efficient Design). More: https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/2016-annual-report/year-accomplishment | ||
Owen Sound & North Grey Union | Self-Checkout Project: After the tagging crew processed our 90,000+ collection of materials, the new security gates were installed on January 6th. Self-checkout went live in the second week of January. Kudos to Dale Albrecht for managing a complicated process so effectively. Thanks are extended to all staff for ensuring the smooth completion of this project. Library2.Now! at the OLA Super Conference: Chris Carmichael and Dale Albrecht presented at the Ontario Library Association Conference. They designed and developed our Library2.Now! employee professional development course which focusses on ensuring that all library staff are comfortable with the technology in our building. Over 175 library staff and board members from across Ontario attended their workshop. Congratulations to Chris and Dale on this wonderful achievement. | ||
Parry Sound | The library underwent a renovation with the help of a grant from the Trillium Foundation. The community is thrilled with the newly renovated space. | ||
Pelham | Renovation and expansion of Maple Acre Branch library. Expanded from 1,000 sq. feet to almost 4,000 sq. feet. Re-opening scheduled for January 2017. New strategic plan developed. | ||
Pembroke | New circulation desk and re-organization of space and collection in the Children and Teens’ Department. This created warm and welcoming space for the users. We also added Early Literacy play station. | ||
Penetanguishene | The Simcoe County Library Co-operative Libraries were successful in their application for a Newcomer inclusion program | ||
Perth and District Union | renovation of library space, accessible service desk | ||
Petawawa | Recognizing the need for programming for seniors; as our demographics are slowly showing some growth in this age category; and not having staff to dedicate time to this; we successfully applied for and received a Senior Community Grant. We used this funding to launch the very popular Savvy Senior programming. This included Geo caching, Snowshoeing, financial planning, downsizing and so much more. | ||
Peterborough | Library renovation started 2016 and due to be complete in 2017. | ||
Pickering | Created a Pickering Local History Collection Strategic Plan (including City archives, local museum and our own local history collection). Using grant funding the Library has created a Pickering Public Library Connects program to take digital learning and access into the community. This is a very successful program which will act as a model for the future. PPL began Coding programming for kids. These highly successful programs are continuing and expanding in 2017. | ||
Port Hope | new marketing initiatives – regular news column/report at the request of one of the area newspapers and library staff launched a weekly library segment (“Talking Books”) with the local community radio station In the fall 2016 Port Hope Public Library developed an event called Farley: A Celebration which was part of a Thanksgiving weekend commemoration. It provided an opportunity for an entire community to participate in a unique and collaborative celebration to pay tribute to renowned Canadian writer and local resident Farley Mowat. Through grassroots partnerships the Library developed a weeklong series of free and innovative events for all ages that complemented the relocation of the world’s largest monument to Farley Mowat known as the Boat-roofed House. The goal was to create an appreciation of Farley Mowat’s significant contributions to Canada through his writing while cultivating support for the Port Hope Public Library. | ||
Powassan & District Union Public Library | The goal for PDUPL in 2016 was to get shovel ready in order to expand in 2017 and be able to take advantage of the many celebratory grants available in 2017. We hired an architect and started working on realistic plans and applying for numerous grants. It has paid off, we received the Federal Canada 150 ($100,000), the Enabling Accessibility Grant ($23,000), and received written commitments from the three union municipalities totaling $25,000. | ||
Prescott | The Library Board worked very hard on a Strategic Plan that has already seen an improvement in getting the Library’s name out in the community. It has been very positive. | ||
Prince Edward County | New programs:Makerspace, Rocket/borrow the Internet, Newcomers Club New partnerships: Brighton P.L., Community Care for Seniors New strategic plan and capital expansion to Picton branch. | ||
Rainy River | MARCH: The library receives a $500 grant from the Healthy Kids Community Challenge fund to create “Butterfly Buddies” kits. This is the Library’s second citizen science program. JUNE: The Library becomes the first of six pilot sites in the “Social Return on Investment” project of Ontario Library Service-North. The project aims to give all libraries in the North a system to measure the dollar value of their work. The final report is due out in fall 2017. JULY: The Library marks its 60th anniversary with an Open House during Railroad Daze. SEPTEMBER: The Library receives a generous gift of 450 books from author Neil McQuarrie. DECEMBER: Christmas comes early: the Northwestern Health unit donates computers and much-needed equipment. | ||
Ramara Twp | – Successfully obtained a provincial grant in partnership with the Simcoe County Library Cooperative to design and implement a Library Immigrant project. – Advocated to Council the need for more program space as identified in our Strategic Plan, but was not successful in approval to expand space at our main branch. – Developed a new professional quarterly newsletter and weekly eNewsletter that has been very well received by our community! – Renovated the circulation desk at our main branch to provide more accessible space for patrons and work space for library staff. | ||
Red Lake | Drop in spot for Best Hubs Mother Goose & Songs Program Drop in for French Storytime Running a tackleshare Program for children Loan electronic toys/devices Working on updating library branch to Jasi automated system We run a food for fines program Partner with an after school library program run by the Indian Friendship Center Sponsered a publishers book sale Provide proctoring for exams Provide free internet service to those doing on-line courses or children doing homework | ||
Red Rock Twp | Has become a community hub, considering MANY other locations closed seasonally. | ||
Renfrew | – As the library received a Seniors Community Grant, we were able to amp up outreach to the seniors residences and the Golden Age Activity Centre in Town offering one-on-one tech help in the residences, bringing our GreenScreen out for some fun times, as well as offering a Senior Storytime program and consultations within the community in order to determine the needs of this demographic. – We did our first Skype author visit with Alan Bradley who was in Europe at the time. We also Skyped in a neighbouring library, so that their patrons could also participate. – A new CUPE agreement was struck. – We began a new lending hub which included snowshoes, bicycles, explorer backpacks, fishing rods, etc. – We partnered with the Town of Renfrew to create a new, accessible website for the library. – The CEO presented at OLA, along with 2 other colleagues, about working in rural public libraries | ||
Richmond Hill | launched the Robotics Junior First LEGO program for children, first in Ontario unveiled new library card branding campaign, with marketing materials and promotional items developed new service delivery model for new Oak Ridges Library initiated construction of new Oak Ridges Library initiated planning for Central Library expansion & renovation feasibility study launched development of MagnusCard Project launched mobile circ for off-site functionality developed a Values service staff training program hosted His and Her Excellency David and Sharon Johnston for a discussion of Her Excellency’s new book | ||
Rideau Lakes Public Library | Community outreach has been a main focus for 2016. Throughout the year, we have established many new partnerships. As a result, our programming statistics have increased significantly. One of our community outreach initiatives is our Community-Led Local History Digitization Project. In 2016, we invited local heritage organizations to digitize their material to our archives database. Through this project, our local history collection has grown rapidly and our partnerships have been strengthened. In 2016, the Rideau Lakes Public Library also had the opportunity to act as a lead on a county-wide project. Through the Healthy Kids Community Challenge Fund, the Rideau Lakes Public Library obtained funds to create nature-themed backpack (MAPsacks) for young families. The MAPsacks include books, activities and park passes. We partnered with public libraries, local conservation areas and Ontario Parks. These MAPsacks are now located in every library branch through Leeds and Grenville. | ||
Russell | 1. Poursuite d’une offre de programmation accrue. 2. Plan de mise en oeuvre des recommandations du Facility Model Study en partenariat avec le Conseil municipal pour la relocalisation d’une des succursales. | ||
Schreiber Twp | Celebration of the Schreiber Public Library 125th anniversary which included several events throughout the year and during Schreiber Heritage Days. Fund raising to repair clock in library clock tower. Library renovations, wheelchair accessible entrance, upgraded children’s area, new reference, local history room. | ||
Seguin Twp | Increased number of computer stations with new computers and workshop area | ||
Seine River FN | We upgraded our automated catalogue system, we are now using bar codes for our books and dvd’s. | ||
Selwyn | migrated to a web-based library operating system, joining JASI, a province wide consortia. Initiated a seed exchange library, working in partnership with local horticultural society. | ||
Serpent River FN | Awarded Sarah Badgley Foundation Literacy Fund for Rural Ontario. Programming and Networking with Community Dare Care and Seniors. | ||
Shelburne | Won First place for the 2016 TD Summer Reading Program (English) for Canada, which was presented in May, 2017. | ||
Simcoe County Co-operative | Implemented a new project (Simcoe County Libraries Immigrant Hub Project) in partnership with 14 member libraries, the Barrie and Orillia Public Libraries, the Local Immigration Partnership. the YMCA, and the Welcome Centre to provide information and resources to immigrants to Simcoe County. | ||
Sioux Lookout | – The Municipality of Sioux Lookout significantly upgraded our library in 2016 by applying a fresh coat of paint on the inside of the building and installing new carpet in every room. Our building also upgraded it’s heating/cooling system. In 2016, the Sioux Lookout Public Library launched a newly designed website (financed through a OLCF grant). | ||
Six Nations FN | Accreditation renewal November 2016 | ||
Smiths Falls | new flooring installed throughout the library, plans begun for renovations in children’s department, | ||
South Algonquin Twp | Digital History photo displays at both branches | ||
South River-Machar Union | Started up a community group called CALLE (Central Almaguin Lifelong Learning Experiences) which provides adult programming Created a Facebook site which has been successful in promoting library activities Tales for Toddlers numbers increased New makerspace materials for programming | ||
Southgate Twp. | Partnership with the Ontario Early Years provides an opportunity for children to interact with the library in an informal setting. Additionally, it provides families the opportunity to borrow materials and find out about programming. Partnership with the school board allows children the opportunity to borrow books that might not come to the library with their families. | ||
Spanish Twp | New Public Access Computers added, Microsoft Office Suite installed on PAC’s, Kindle e-Reader’s added to collection. Library became a part of the “Better World Books” programme to send out weeded materials to be re-used in other places. | ||
Springwater Twp | Our library hired a new CEO, completed our new strategic plan, participated in local community festivals, started a Speaker’s series with authors and informative lecturers. and generated increased sponsorships for our Summer Reading Program. | ||
St. Catharines | The Library expanded its Makey Makey and STEM Programs. The Library launched new Technology Programs. The Library acquired two 3D printers and provide programs on how to use the equipment. The Library has a partnership with the local Engineering Association who offer advanced 3D training. The Library installed VHS to DVD equipment. The Library created digital exhibits in honour of Canada’s 150. The Library acquired new furniture, microfiche/film scanners and a variety of equipment funded by a personal donation. etc | ||
St. Marys Public Library | The library underwent a Space and Service Needs assessment to determine how/what the library could do to combat the space constrictions. This will be used to assess the overall establishment of the library, and will be used as a basis for the strategic planning for the library. | ||
St. Thomas | Book Kiosk at Elgin Mall; Seed Library; The Studio; Law Library partnership; “Between Friends” poetry and prose book published by Friends of the Library for fundraiser | ||
Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry County | Introduction of 2 new alternative service delivery depots | ||
Stratford | Creation of Quiet Study Room, Refurbishment Program Room, Fundraising launch for Auditorium & Makerspace, loaning Chromebooks inhouse, Launch of experiential new Adult programs, staff member Trish MacGregor awarded OPLA “Advocacy in Action”, Pilot location FOPL Open Media Desk, OPLW raised 650 llbs food for food bank, catalogue made responsive to mobile devices. | ||
Sundridge-Strong Union | New program – Lego Story Starter | ||
Tay Twp | Tay township Public Library in 2016 worked on the development of a Master and Strategic long term Plan which included assessing their 3 ( branch ) facilities, services, programs, technology, and staffing to meet future needs | ||
Temagami | We switched from Athena to JASI automated catalog system. We also became a lending library through VDX all though we didn’t quite get this going till the beginning of 2017. | ||
Temagami FN | The Library is a big part of our community. We have many tourist and local people utilize the building. We seem to be almost an information place for the heart of Lake Temagami with canoe groups stopping by. We have been able to contribute to the Library though cultural awareness. | ||
Temiskaming Shores | In 2016 the library took part in the municipal Healthy Kids Community Challenge by running a program in which children used punch cards to prove participation in physical activities and library activities. If they completed a punch card they were able to put their name in for a draw for a bicycle. The library also started circulating snowshoes at one of its branches as part of the Healthy Kids Community Challenge and partnership with the municipal leisure services department. Both programs were very popular in the community and the library continues to circulate snowshoes at the Haileybury branch. | ||
The Blue Mountains | The Blue Mountains Public Library opened a branch library by taking over responsibility of the community museum and including library materials and services in the museum. This has been a wonderful opportunity and has increased the circulation of the library materials, the use of the facility, the size of the library collection and the number of programs conducted. It also provides more hours of operation and closer access to a library for our residents in the eastern portion of our amalgamated community. | ||
Thessalon | Fundraising: Silent auction with donations provided by local artisans; music nights with donations to the library. | ||
Thunder Bay | Hosted several new businesses in Hub North business incubator space. | ||
Timmins | With the help of the Seniors Community Grant, we were able to purchase four tablets to assist us with training seniors with this new technology. Seniors were able to borrow the tablets for 1 week and return to class to ask questions. | ||
Toronto | Toronto Public Library (TPL)continues to be one of the world’s busiest libraries. Activity surpassed 103 million uses, with 18.2 million visits & 32.8 million website visits. E-circulation grew 14.3%. OverDrive circulation of 3.7 million was the highest globally. Full-year Sunday service introduced at 8 branches. September to December Sunday service expanded to 6 new branches. The Fines Forgiveness Campaign reached out to families in Neighbourhood Improvement Areas, especially children & youth in priority neighbourhoods.Added 2 new Youth Hubs. Implemented Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending at 6 branches. Wireless service expanded to 24/7 access at all branches. Added 3 Pop-Up Learning Labs to provide access to 3D printers, maker technology & digital design programs at branches across the City. Launched the Sun Life Financial Musical Instrument Lending Library, the first of its kind in public libraries in Canada, customers can borrow instruments for free with a library card. | ||
Trent Hills | Within the past year we have offered more programs for youth and seniors which have met with a positive impact in the community. One such program which was a co- author short story writing contest partnering an adult with a young adult and was nominated for an OLA Award. We are re bar coding all of our books at all of the branches in preparation for selecting a new data base and the next accreditation. We have placed a lot of pop up libraries throughout the community and are doing a lot of outreach programs to retirement and nursing home. We have begun to work on our strategic plan for the upcoming year. | ||
Trent Lakes | In 2016 the library won the Peterborough County Award for Accessibility because of our renovations to the library that makes both buildings more accessible. The library hosted 4 authors for 5 programs in 2016. Danika Dinsmore, Ruth Ohi, Rebecca Bender and Eric Walters (who hosted two programs: one in Cavendish and one in Buckhorn). | ||
Tudor & Cashel Twp | With the extra funding we have Purchased a larger screen computer monitor for Patrons and provided new movies and books that are of great interest to them.. | ||
Tweed | Local resident held library fundraiser raising $10,000 for the library | ||
Uxbridge Twp | Started a Lego League Junior Club targeted at Grades 2 and 3. Very successful. | ||
Vaughan | Opening of the Civic Centre Resource Library in May with formal Opening Ceremonies in September with 3,500 people in attendance. Planning and design for the Vellore Village South Library got underway and groundbreaking for the new library took place. Approval from Vaughan Council to proceed with the development of the VMC facility including a partnership with YMCA, City of Vaughan Recreation and Vaughan Public Libraries (new VMC Library location). Online payment of fees and fines made available to VPL customers. In celebration of Vaughan’s 25th Anniversary and National Poetry Month in April, VPL created a Vaughan Poetry Map to celebrate Vaughan’s culture, heritage and geographical beauty through poems and images. VPL received the 2016 Minister’s Award for Innovation which was presented at the Ontario Library Association Conference in 2017. | ||
Wahta Mohawk FN | Our library hosted Spirit Bear, a live theater play that was performed by First Nation people at the local provincial school. | ||
Wasaga Beach | Lead role for the Town of Wasaga Beach Age Friendly Community Advisory Committee – received grant funding through Ontario Senior grant to carry out Senior Cultural Excursions – participated at OLA Conference with a information session (poster session) on Crafting for Adults | ||
Wasauksing FN | We now have a improved Wi-Fi and internet services, which, ALL patrons utilize on a regular basis. | ||
Waterloo City | New website; Technology Training program for staff; Online learning resources Lynda.Com & Gale Courses; New video conversion station; KWCF Every Kid a Card Campaign literacy grant; Early Learning Strategy “Explore Play Learn” | ||
Wellington County | Palmerston Branch reopened after significant renovation. Launched Rural Hotspot Lending Programme made possible through OLCF – R&I grant. Included iPad lending and expansion of Chromebook lending to general public. Library Booth at International Plowing Match – highlighted technology and raised awareness of library services. Writer in Residence Programme through Canada Council of the Arts grant. | ||
West Grey Twp | In 2016 the Library Board was the recipient of the Joyce Cunningham Award. We have increased the number of adult programs and children’s programs. The Durham Branch moved into a new building in October of 2016, this has been a positive impact with the community. We have seen a 30% increase in circulation and visits. | ||
West Lincoln Twp | West Lincoln started planning for two new libraries to be complete in 2018. | ||
West Perth | newly formed artist group meet and display their work at the library, offered more “Safe Driving” programs for seniors, started a Chess Club for patrons both young and old | ||
Westport | We held a major fund-raising event in the fall of 2016 to cover a budget short-coming. We more than surpassed our goal, thanks to the generosity of our community. | ||
Whitby | We developed a community outreach program in 2016 that allowed us to reach out to children in priority neighbourhoods and also through the Town’s programs in the local parks. We introduced Freegal, a music downloading and streaming service. We received a transfer of official historical records of Town of Whitby and Township of Whitby from the Archives of Ontario to the Whitby Public Library Archives. We developed core competencies for all staff in the area of technology and developed a training plan for 2017. We completed an economic valuation study for the library. We introduced a “print from anywhere” service allowing people to send their print jobs from work, home, school, etc. | ||
Whitchurch-Stouffville | Introduction of Squishy Circuit programs, design for expanded library completed, site for temporary library location finalized | ||
Whitestone-Hagerman Memorial | We are working on our first strategic plan, with OLSN’s assistance. The municipality purchased the property next door and earmarked it for future library expansion. They included library expansion in their strategic plan. | ||
Wikwemikong FN | ISO 9001 Certified | ||
Windsor | Launched Tech Hub in Central Library and in one branch. Launched Bookmobile service. Began construction of Optimist/W.F.Chisholm branch – to be completed in 2017. | ||
Woodstock | Highlights in 2016 include Increased social media presence Total visits up 5% E-circulation increase Replaced roof Added security cameras Added new lighting Designed new staff workspace Children’s programs up 19% Adult program attendance up 45% Apple computers iPad/iPhone training Windows 10 training Intro to cloud computing Intro to social media |