Ont a r i o ’ s P u b l i c L i b r a r i e s
St re n g t h e n i n g Lo c a l C o m m u n i t i e s
2 0 1 9 B r i e f
Public libraries are essential to people and families across Ontario
As Ontario’s farthest-reaching, most cost-effective public resource and community hubs, public libraries are helping millions of Ontarians independently train, learn and reach their potential. Reaching 98% of Ontarians in hundreds of Ontario communities of all sizes, public libraries are local, close to home, and adapt to the priorities of the people and communities they serve. Trained, frontline library staff are people focused,
responding to these unique needs by developing, providing and offering:
• Job training – and re-training – programs and resources
• Small business support and community economic development
• Equitable, reliable access to broadband internet in underserviced
• Frontline access and support for digital government services
through ServiceOntario
• Affordable, high-quality children’s programs for young families
It’s no surprise that public libraries are consistently voted by people as one of Ontario’s most trusted institutions.
Local public libraries need your help
Public libraries deliver a big return on investment in communities large and small. They’ve become experts at maximizing the value of
every dollar, with an overwhelming focus on providing frontline support and people-focused resources. Through professional development,
association membership and the provincial library services (SOLS and OLS-North), local libraries follow best practices and deliver maximum
value with limited funds. But many public library budgets are stretched to the limit, even though more people depend on their local public library than ever before. This is especially true for public libraries in many smaller towns and rural communities across the province, where the local public library is the main – or only – community hub.