2020-21 Public Library Operating Grants (PLOG) program information
FOPL is grateful that there is good news from MHSTCI that our sector’s PLOG and other payments will be issued 3 months earlier this year and the simplified application/process is very welcome. Get your completed applications in as soon as possible. We are told that payments will be processed in batches on first come basis each batch of payments is anticipated to be done weekly starting next week.
The Programs and Services Branch, Heritage, Tourism and Culture Division, Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries have now launched the 2020-21 Public Library Operating, Pay Equity and First Nation Salary Supplement Grants program. Applications are due by July 22, 2020.
On June 17, all eligible public libraries, First Nations and contracting organizations received individual emails with pre-populated application forms to be completed and uploaded to the Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) System.
Applicants need to submit the forms they received from my team. SOLS and OLS-N have been copied on all emails and are confident that they reached everyone. However, if the Ministry’s email was not received by the correct parties, you should contact Mima Casola, Culture Programs Advisor by email at Mima.Casola@ontario.ca to receive your customized application form.
Program information is also posted on the Ontario.ca website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/available-funding-opportunities-ontario-government
Please contact me if you have any questions about this year’s program delivery.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Jennifer Green
A/Manager, Culture Grants Unit
Programs and Services Branch
Heritage, Tourism and Culture Division
Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
401 Bay Street, 17th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 0A7