We are ensuring small charitable organizations continue to have access to Grant Connect’s Community Edition, despite the closure of libraries and resource centres across Canada
Resources for Canadian Fundraisers
Last updated: March 20, 2020
Information, Resources & Guides
COVID-19 and the Canadian Nonprofit Sector (Imagine Canada)
Managing through and building resilience during the outbreak. Charities and nonprofits are on the front lines of dealing with the current COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, and we at Imagine Canada are dedicated to supporting you as the situation evolves. Page dedicated to resources and updates.
Coronavirus is hard on nonprofits that rely on events (The Chronicle of Philanthropy)
For events supported by businesses, nonprofits should talk honestly with their sponsors. Although corporations typically want to see the return on their investments when sponsoring a charity event, they also want to be seen as good corporate citizens.
Coronavirus and Fundraising: What to Expect and How to Prepare (Fired Up Fundraising)
“Never, ever stop!” Just because you are delaying some donor asks, doesn’t mean you let them go. Not at all!
Resources to help nonprofits adapt & respond to COVID-19 (Ontario Nonprofit Network)
ONN has compiled a list of Canadian resources, including business continuity guides and what to do about your events and conferences.
A Message to Fundraisers on Responding to the Pressures of COVID-19 (Imagine Canada)
As the ripple effects of COVID-19 are felt by charities and nonprofits, it is clear that revenues are going to be significantly impacted. The spring is normally a period of high activity and with the cancellation of galas, events and other activities, organizations will be looking to offset these revenue reductions.
AFP’s Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resource Guide (Association of Fundraising Professionals)
Resources to help guide you in your fundraising, donor communications and more, and what it means to engage with donors during a time in which in-person interaction is likely non-existent.
Love for fundraisers in a time of coronavirus (UK Fundraising)
Your digital presence is your presence. As fundraising events and public gatherings start being cancelled, plenty of everyday fundraising will become harder to carry out. Which means your website and presence online are rapidly becoming your main and most important presence to your supporters and to the public.
Coronavirus advice for nonprofit leaders (20 Degrees)
Understand different potential financial and programmatic scenarios for your organization. Know your organization’s financial runway. Understand how your program might respond to reduced staff scenarios, short-term quarantines or other operationally disruptive situations.
Event and Fundraising Resources During Possible Impact (Blackbaud Inc.)
A list of resources to help the social good community prepare for and respond to impacts of the coronavirus. This listing addresses some of the unique concerns facing the social good community and empowers organizations to deal with this crisis while continuing to support your critical missions.
How to raise funds in times of crisis (Future Fundraising Now)
The important thing here is openly talking about crisis when you’re in crisis is honest. And it works. Donors respond in record numbers to fundraising that makes it clear they are urgently needed.
Fundraising in tough times (Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2009)
There are lots of easy ways to cut fundraising costs. You can stop prospecting for new donors. You can eliminate thank-yous to donors. You can cut out telemarketing efforts, slash the direct mail budget, and reduce the major gift staff . The only problem with this heedless approach is that it’s a prescription for bankruptcy.
A few things for nonprofits & foundations to consider in light of Coronavirus (Nonprofit AF)
The virus reveals several of the weaknesses of our sector and our society, shedding light on things we need to get a better grasp on. Let us use this opportunity to learn and strengthen our work.
How will coronavirus affect your fundraising efforts? (Michael Rosen Says…)
12. Government grants may shift to other priorities. If you are not working on health, plan for cuts and diversify funding sources. Over-reliance on government funding has always been risky even in the best of times because political winds change.
How to (Quickly) Mobilize Volunteers to Maximize Nonprofit Fundraising During COVID-19 (Breakthrough Fundraising Group)
Staff bandwidth is on overload at every level of nonprofit organizations. In addition to the urgent work of serving clients, many cancelled and future events are burdening budgets. Here are five quick tips for mobilizing some of your most committed champions: volunteers.
The Coronavirus Concern: What Nonprofits Need to Know (DonorDrive)
Article discussing event workarounds and how to pivot to virtual events & crowdfunding campaigns.
Donor Acquisition In A Recession (TheAgitator, 2009)
Craver discusses the importance of “refilling the bucket” in light of recession and life-altering events.
Grant Connect Community Edition (Grant Connect & Imagine Canada)
Keeping you connected to funding opportunities during COVID-19. The Grant Connect team at Imagine Canada wants to ensure that smaller charities continue to have access to Grant Connect’s Community Edition during this time of uncertainty, despite the closure of libraries and resource centres across Canada.
COVID-19 and the charitable sector (Imagine Canada)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently announced measures to address Covid-19. We have written him a letter requesting the federal government’s response to also include and communicate measures that will assist charities and nonprofits in getting through the challenges we currently face.
Learning Opportunities & Virtual Events
Video: Managing the impact of COVID-19 on nonprofits (Techsoup)
On March 12, TechSoup hosted a virtual workshop on managing the impact of COVID-19 on nonprofits. Here is the recording of that workshop.
Webinar: Fundraising During Uncertain Times (Canada Helps)
Thursday March 19th – 3:00 PM EST. Join the Canada Helps team for a panel discussion and live Q&A with fundraising experts and sector leaders on how you can weather the uncertainty ahead.
Virtual Event: AFP ICON Virtual Conference 2020 (Association of Fundraising Professionals)
The world’s largest conference for fundraising professionals – now online! Join AFP March 29 – 31 for three days of amazing education sessions (up to 12.5 CFRE points!) and a chance to network with your colleagues – all online!
Webinar: Coronavirus and What You Need to Know About Postponing and Cancelling Events (Charity How To)
Wednesday March 23rd – 1:00 PM EST. Any organization who has a fundraising event on the calendar needs to make a responsible decision about hosting a nonprofit fundraising event in the midst of a pandemic.
Video: Sponsorship During Times of Crisis: Refunds, Cancellations & Postponed Events (The Sponsorship Collective)
Chris Baylis shares thoughts on how to handle sponsorship during a crisis like COVID-19, which threatens events and sponsorship plans, revenue, and relationship building.
Webinars: Covid-19 and Remote work resources for nonprofits (Bloomerang)
A number of free, upcoming webinars on a range of Covid-19 related topics: managing capital campaigns, running online events, crafting messaging during a crisis, and more! Page also lists other resources and discounts currently available.
Virtual Event: Fundraising Everywhere Festival May 2020 (Fundraising Everywhere)
Virtual fundraising conference hosted online from May 11 – 15 with 50+ speakers. Busy on those dates? Book anyway and you’ll receive all the recordings after.
Webinar: Navigating external communications during this time of crisis (Big Duck)
Wednesday March 18th – 1:30 PM EST. During these challenging times, nonprofits are struggling to decide what to communicate externally. What should remain business-as-usual? What should adapt or get canceled? Should you reach out to the media or lay low?
Podcast: Creating Connection in the Time of COVID-19 (Structure3c)
In this short 15 min episode, we speak with facilitator and community builder extraordinaire Nancy White of Full Circle Associates about creating and maintaining connections online during a crisis.
Book: Remote: Office not required (J. Fried & D. Hansson)
The “work from home” phenomenon is thoroughly explored in this illuminating new book from bestselling 37signals founders Fried and Hansson, who point to the surging trend of employees working from home (and anywhere else) and explain the challenges and unexpected benefits
For up-to-date sector news and more on COVID-19, visit us at www.imaginecanada.ca and sign up for our Imagine 360° newsletter.