COVID19 has presented public libraries with a unique set of challenges — libraries across the country closed their doors and/or restricted/limited access to their spaces. As such, traditional measures of library value and usage (the ones that required in-library visitations) came to a grinding halt. For example physical reference questions have become remote reference questions and programs are being delivered via video conferencing software.
The eMeasures Snapshot survey is officially launching on Wednesday, June 17th following an orientation webinar session on June 16th
Libraries are agile and have pivoted quickly to serve their communities in increasingly new ways. Now, more than ever, libraries need good data to demonstrate their relevance and how they are adjusting to various new realities. Traditional usage measures don’t apply especially when their doors are closed and when there are limitations on in-library use.
The EveryLibrary Institute is committed to helping libraries clearly demonstrate their value in the digital sphere during COVID19 and beyond. In collaboration with Counting Opinions, we’re launching the eMeasures Snapshot survey — a count week survey designed to capture your library’s digital activity and community contribution, along with several COVID19 specific questions.
The eMeasures Snapshot survey is officially launching on Wednesday, June 17th following an orientation webinar session on June 16th (and available on-demand thereafter). This is a completely voluntary survey and all questions are optional. We hope this empowers libraries to participate and use results for planning, advocacy, communications and awareness efforts.
Participants will receive free access to infographic reports of their data after completing the survey, as well as summary reports and an analysis of the findings as they become available from Counting Opinions. While we know many organizations have begun to think about how to collect more electronic and COVID19 related data, the ability for libraries to compare themselves across the country in a timely way has immense value.
There is more information to come! Please watch your email in the next week for your login and access information.
Please direct all questions to
We look forward to helping libraries tell their community value stories during this unprecedented time!
John Chrastka
EveryLibrary Institute