The government’s burden reduction (red tape) bill, , has been introduced. We’re still awaiting the bill itself which will include the specific number of meetings set as a mandatory minimum. The detailed backgrounder is attached for your review, and I’ve included the library-relevant sections below.
The bill is called The Better For People, Smarter For Business Act, 2019
We expect it will be Bill 132 but will confirm.
Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
Encourages participation and increases flexibility for Ontario’s Library Boards (Public Libraries Act (PLA) Subsection 16 (1) — No regulations affected) Ontario’s government recognizes that public libraries help to build strong and vibrant communities by supporting life long learning. Currently, the Public Libraries Act requires library boards to hold regular meetings once a month for at least 10 months out of the year. Our government is committed to reducing burdens for library boards in Ontario and to create a larger pool of potential board members that reflect our province’s unique social composition. Amendments to the Public Libraries Act will provide greater flexibility to libraries to manage their governance more appropriately and permit Canadian permanent residents to serve on public library boards.
Supports inclusion on Ontario’s Public Library Boards by widening the pool of potential board members (Section 10(1) of the Public Libraries Act) Currently, the Public Libraries Act excludes all those who do not hold Canadian citizenship from serving on library boards. Our government is committed to reducing burdens for library boards in Ontario and to create a larger pool of potential board members that reflect our province’s unique social composition. Amendments to the Public Libraries Act will provide greater flexibility to libraries to manage their governance more appropriately and permit Canadian permanent residents to serve on public library boards.
191029 Fall Red Tape Package BackgrounderX
Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019,
Bill 132: The Better For People, Smarter For Business Act, 2019
See Schedule 13