Binge-Worthy E-Learning from PLA
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To advance the public library profession |
Library staff who find themselves with extra time to learn during the COVID-19 crisis have reached out to PLA about educational opportunities. PLA has provided over 100 hours of on-demand e-learning at low or no cost to PLA members and others working in public libraries. Topics include COVID-19 responses, innovative programming, digital literacy and data measurement tools, equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice, and more.
The latest free webinars available on demand include:
To view the complete set of webinar topics, visit PLA’s On-Demand Webinars page. To see upcoming topics, visit the Live Webinars page.
During this challenging time, we will continue to do our best to make information and training accessible. In addition to webinars, the PLA 2020 Conference website includes presentation slides and handouts from over 100 program sessions. We are pleased to offer the recordings from our Virtual Conference author speakers at no cost. Listen now to hear from award-winning authors Kevin Wilson, Ann Patchett, and Alice Randall!
PLA’s Web Content Working Group has also assembled an excellent collection of Professional Tools and Resources on the PLA website. Libraries looking to improve their digital skills or help their patrons virtually can visit PLA’s Digital Literacy initiative page or Digital Literacy professional tools page. |
Public Library Association • (800) 545-2433 x5PLA