What Happens to Cities When the Arts Go Dark?

What Happens to Cities When the Arts Go Dark? For decades, cities relied on performing arts groups to help drive revitalization. Now nearly every company in the country has been shuttered for months, acting as a drag on local business....

The Trudeau government’s plan to shepherd the economy safely past the COVID crisis includes its long-standing promise to make sure all parts of Canada have access to high-speed internet. BUSINESS Liberals to ‘accelerate’ spending of $1-billion fund for rural internet backbone

Liberals to ‘accelerate’ spending of $1-billion fund for rural internet backbone https://www.thestar.com/business/2020/09/23/liberals-to-accelerate-spending-of-1-billion-fund-for-rural-internet-backbone.html

Clarification of DC/CBC bylaw timelines

No additional regulations related to the Development Charges regime are anticipated at this time. As you recall, Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019, introduced changes to support a range and mix of housing options and boost housing supply, including...

SOLS / OLS-North Joint Announcement of HQ and CEO

La version française suit. Good Morning Colleagues, In early 2020, the OLS-North and SOLS Boards announced they would explore merging the two organizations. A joint committee was struck and, with the guidance of legal counsel, undertook a due diligence process to...